
Drew Barrymore just discovered some amazing relics in her storage unit.

When most people clean out their storage units or garages, they find long forgotten finger-painted artwork, decade old report cards, and a box of clothes that don’t fit but you convince yourself to keep because maybe they’ll fit again one day.

When Drew Barrymore cleans out her storage unit, she finds priceless Hollywood memorabilia.

Yesterday, the actress embarked on an end-of-summer clean out of her storage unit and luckily for us, she decided to document her best finds on Instagram using the very apt hashtag, #oldstorageunitdays.

What did she find? This super casual photo of herself with Quincy Jones, Rashida Jones, Kidada Jones and E.T.

Barrymore has a snap of the photoshoot from her first time hosting Saturday Night Live in 1982. It was taken in front of the theatre named after her great aunt, actress Ethel Barrymore. 

Among the glamorous photos were, well, fairly spectacular farshun shots.

Oh, you know, just casually hanging out with SHARON STONE.

While your unit might have stacks of old magazines like Cosmopolitan and Dolly, Barrymore’s has stacks of old issues of magazines that she’s in.

Post continues after gallery:

Drew Barrymore's storage unit findings.

And, that’s a wrap!

Featured image: Instagram/@DrewBarrymore.

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guest 8 years ago

I can see some resemblance in her old photos to Kiernan Shipka, Sally from Mad Men.