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Well, we finally made it to the brides’ home stays, which surely means this experiment is nearly over… but then what would we do while we’re all socially distancing ourselves from absolutely everyone else.
Just like the grooms’ home stays, things do not… go well. Steve is frankly shocked that Mishel wants to share a bed with him, Jonethen is still at a loss as to WHY NO ONE WILL LET HIM LEAVE after Connie’s friends grill him and Michael is, well, staggered to discover that Stacey likes… nice things.
Watch: The Experts – Uncut. Exactly what goes down behind the scenes (not really). Post continues after video.
Meanwhile, Lizzie and Seb decide to get a tattoo together (after knowing each other for approximately two weeks) and for reasons that will forever be unclear to us, Seb gets #MAFS tattooed on his toes. And with that, he singlehandedly just made the worst decision we’ve seen this entire season… which says a lot.