
I had a dream. And then it happened. Fate or coincidence?







My husband Brad and I agree on many, many things. Okay that’s a lie but we do agree on two fundamentals: pineapple has a place on pizza AND gay marriage should be legalised, like, yesterday.  Anyhoo.  Last night we got into a debate about fate versus coincidence.

I consider myself to be a spiritual person. I believe that life is a mixture of fate and self-determination (I think some people and events are fated to happen to us and it is up to us how we respond). I believe in life after death in some form.  I believe that we all have a sixth sense. And I believe that many things do actually happen for a reason.

Brad, on the other hand, believes in pretty much none of those things. In fact he wants to start his own non-religion called “We Are Just Meat.”


So the other night we started arguing about a dream I had which ended up unfolding in real life.

Thirteen years ago I had a female colleague who ended up embezzling money from the company we worked for.  We were friends right up until I found out what she was doing. The police were called. She went to jail.  I have not heard from her or about her since. That’s THIRTEEN years ago.

So not so long ago I dreamt about her. I dreamt that this girl walked up to me in a white room and asked me to forgive her and to be friends with her again.  Then I woke up. (You still with me?)

That morning I went to check my email and there was an email from her asking me to forgive her and to renew our friendship.

Did I mention that I haven’t seen or heard from this woman in THIRTEEN years?

I say it’s fate; that somehow my sixth sense knew she  had contacted me. Brad says I am delusional and that it’s merely a freakish coincidence.

What do you think?  Have you ever had a dream that then unfolded in real life?  Do you believe in fate or coincidence?  (And Brad, if you are reading this, please note that we can tell if you try to post comments using multiple names … I’m on to you buddy).