
Think airbrushing doesn't really matter? Think again.


The pressure to be “beautiful” confronts us on a daily basis. Magazines, billboards, advertisements and TV use airbrushed images to convince you to buy their product. It’s up to us to to tell our daughters, sisters and nieces, these images are not freakin’ real and isn’t something they need to be aspiring to.



Well done Dove. We love it. Share it with friends and family to spread the world.


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Top Comments

anonymous 11 years ago

Dove is owned hy Unilever who also own Axe! Do a youtube search for their ads! Bikini clad ladies chasing men cos of their deodorant. Its all hype and marketing. :(

Wendy Reeves 11 years ago

This is a great film and I totally agree. However isn't Dove part of the beauty industry? Making one of these ads about body image every couple of years and asking us all to share it online isn't exorcising themselves from being part of the problem.