Although many social media and mainstream media out there would like us to ‘end the mummy wars’, what they are really doing is trying to silence our most inner passions and experiences. Silence what we know to be true and important to us as mothers (how we feed our babies, handle sleep issues, discipline, make medical decisions etc) so we don’t ‘hurt someone’s feelings’. *GASP*! The horror! Oh how we all must shutter at the thought of being judgmental.
It appears we have reached the point in our existence as humans where we must silently and quietly go to the sanctuary of our own homes and utter our ‘judgments’ and opinions only to ourselves while making sure our windows are closed and our blinds are pulled. We must immediately apologise and explain ourselves in case we hurt someone’s feelings. We must never appear opinionated or passionate, because of course if we say anything that is not close to what that particular mother is experience or feeling then we are being judgmental bitches. Oh yes, and did you know we are also being hurtful and uneducated and then we must read all of the research that they have found, to show how what we are saying is wrong. And hurtful. And uneducated. And judgmental.
5 reasons you can stick the “I’m judging you” mummy wars up your…
1. Something written on Facebook, Twitter, a blog or newspaper is not a personal letter to you.
This blog you are currently reading was inspired by my experience on The Milk Meg Facebook page in regards to my blog post “Please, please mama…pick up your crying baby.”
I have had a huge, overwhelmingly positive response from people. But of course every single time I re-share the link on Facebook I get at least one or two people commenting that I’m ‘judging’ mothers because I’m asking them to ‘Please pick up your crying baby’.
Top Comments
wow! this is so refreshing. I have posted a few of my opinions on this site in a mature manner (mainly opinions on parenting and the difference between a genuinely autistic child and a naughty child with a lazy parent) and I have been called an unfeeling arsehole, amongst other things. Can't people accept that its not always directly related to them. Often I find the ones who are calling people judgemental are actually the most judgemental of all. We are quickly becoming a society of people who just jump to conclusions that everything is directed at them. Also when did it become ok to constantly try and prove your life is harder than everyone elses??? Why this constant "you don't know, you've never been a single mother of 10 kids, all with a disability, including sextuplets who I breastfeed every hour on the hour, whilst looking after my elderly parents who both have dementia, and trying to work 80000 hours a week, with no help OMG poor me, I have it the hardest of anyone in this universe and no one understands cause every post on the internet is a direct dig at me by people that have never met me and never will, but hey its all me and how my life is so so much worse than anyone elses" grow up people and accept that everyone has difficult times and your life is no better or worse than most peoples. We are all entitled to our opinion.
Bravo. This is one of the best articles I have read on this site in a long time. I rarely agree with Milk Meg's views, but this article articulates a serious problem that has long needed addressing.
This article could apply to a lot of subjects, not just the parenting stuff!