
Donald Trump's team made an epic mistake on his Twitter page, and it's fabulous.

President Donald Trump officially took over the @POTUS Twitter account on Friday and it seems like it hasn’t been, um, the smoothest of transitions.

You see, as discovered by the very clever team at Slatethe first cover photo the Trump social media team uploaded was, um, well... it was kinda from Obama's inauguration in 2009.

Naturally, the social media team totally freaked the jeff out and updated the cover photo:

But the people at Full Frontal with Samantha Bee were all too happy to provide the President with a more realistic background:

So the social media wizards freaked out and changed it one more time. Just to be safe. To a super fuzzy image of Trump pensively gazing out a window. Of course.

So, we're only a day in and things are going well, then?

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craigvn 8 years ago

Not to mention Sean Spicer keeps tweeting his password by mistake.