Inspired by endorsement from celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Kendall and Kylie Jenner, we’ve seen a growing trend of women turning to detox teas as a “quick fix” way to lose weight.
Known as a “teatox”, the specially formulated teas – usually purchased online – claim to detox the body with “all natural” ingredients by flushing out the digestive system, usually with a laxative effect.
It’s a product that has concerned health experts for some time, but the latest side effect is truly worrying, with a growing number of women are reporting unplanned pregnancies while consuming the tea.
RELATED: “I tried a teatox. It did not go down well.”
Naomi Salt, a 26 year-old from the UK told the Daily Mail she started a teatox from UK company BooTea after Christmas and is now six months pregnant.
“I am over the moon now, but I was shocked and worried at first to say the least. I am regimental about taking my pill and my first reaction was, ‘How has this happened?’,” she said. (Post continues after gallery.)
Celebrities who teatox
“I’m 26 year-old, I’ve got a career and I’m saving for a mortgage. Having a baby was on the cards, but not just now or even this year.”
Salt says that she only realised her pregnancy could be related to the teatox program when she was shown a warning on Bootea’s website by a friend.