Gross stuff, it’s part of the parenting job description. But something amazing happens when you have your very own mini human, stuff that you once thought was so downright disgusting just doesn’t seem so bad anymore.
In fact, gross stuff becomes part of the norm. You forget what other people deem acceptable. It can be tricky when out and about in the real world because non parents are not as immune to the icky sticky like you are and so, our natural parenting behaviour is actually really fowl.
Here are some of the gross things parents do in the course of kid wrangling.
1. Stick a dummy in your mouth to clean it.
Once considered gross, now a necessary evil if you want that kid to stop crying or go to sleep. Your sanity is worth whatever the hell that dummy landed in on the floor. Plus it’s immune boosting. Take one for the team, mum.
2. Fished poo out of the bath
Nothing gets a mum running faster than the nasal tones of "Muuuuummmmm he's done a poo in the bath". Go forth mum, find a weapon and fish that brown snake out of the murkey water. The upside is that bath time is remarkably close to bedtime, which happens to also be wine time. Hang in there. And wash your hands.
3. Eat someone else's leftovers
Every, damn. day. I'm pretty sure 99 per cent of my diet is stuff my kids have left pre-loved on a plate. The other part is wine.
4. Researched or purchased a nasal aspirator.
The common name for these little beauties is a 'snot sucker'. Hopefully you've got the idea but just in case it's a small device that you shove up a snotty kid. One end up the nostril, the other end in your mouth to suck out the goo. Yep, really.