
An obstetrician shares the unique ritual he performs every time a baby is born.

Like many, Bec Judd regards the moment she became a parent as the ‘best day of her life’.

On the latest episode of Mamamia‘s pregnancy podcast Hello Bump, she recalled the specific moment that made the experience so special.

“I just remember that genuine ‘Wow’, that bewilderment, watching a baby born. I mean I couldn’t see it but I was looking at his [Husband, Chris Judd] face and it’s a sight I will never forget,” she said.

“That and what my obstetrician would say just before the babies were born – ‘Ok get ready – you’re about to become parents’, I just remember him saying that. And then with Billie my second it was ‘Guys get ready, you’re about to become parents.. again’.

Listen: Dr Joseph Sgroi has the best post-delivery ritual. Post continues after audio.

“I still feel.. my heart skips a beat. I’ll never forget that.”

Obstetrician Dr. Joseph Sgroi also has his own ritual he does after delivering a baby – and it’s guaranteed to make you let out an audible ‘nawwww’.

“I always think of it as their birthday, so we always sing Happy Birthday to the babies,” he told Hello Bump hosts Judd and Monique Bowley.

Cue the coo.

"Because it's a really special moment for people, the whole birth is something that you'll never forget," he continued.

And while seeing the birth of babies is literally is job, it's still not something he takes lightly or tires of.

"You know, I see a birth nearly every day, sometimes two a day, but just to be involved in it is a really humbling experience for me."

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