
'I found out the woman I'm dating is in a manipulative cult.'

What would you do if you discovered you were dating someone who was in a church that many people believe is a cult? It's a question one Reddit user is facing, after discovering that the woman he's dating is a member of the World Mission Society of God church.

In the Two Hot Takes sub-Reddit, the poster said that initially, his girlfriend told him she was Christian. He was "totally fine" with that, but after learning more about the specific church she's a member of, he's having second thoughts.

"I found out it was this church that believes their leader — who is an 80-year-old Korean woman — is Christ, and all sorts of other crazy s**t," he wrote, adding, "So it is obviously a cult."

Until now, the couple have been hitting it off, but with the news that she's a member of the somewhat controversial organisation, he doesn't know what to do.

"I really like her," he explained. "She is a really nice and smart person and we have a great time together."

What's more, he believes that the church preyed on her vulnerability as a Chinese woman who has only been in the country "for a couple [of] years and has only lived in [his] city for a few months". He said that he was concerned for her, "because it's a cult", he alleges, "and they take advantage of people both financially and mentally.

"I have a feeling they saw that she was a foreigner who didn't know anyone and they took advantage of that," he said. "She talks about how everyone in her church is nice and helps her with English."

While her involvement with the church hasn't affected their relationship directly, in that she "doesn't mention" it very often, and hasn't tried to convert him, he still feels at a loss for what to do.


"Obviously that s**t is crazy," he wrote. "Does anyone have any advice for bringing up to her that it's a cult and that it's not good? I have no problem with someone being religious but I have a problem with obvious manipulative cults. Any advice?"

What is the World Mission Society Church of God?

In 1964, Ahn Sahng-hong founded the World Mission Society Church of God in South Korea, and it's been a controversial church ever since.

The church believes in the worship of God the Father as well as God the Mother, based on their interpretation of the Bible. They also believe that Ahn Sahng-hong is the second coming of Jesus Christ, and that another member of the church, Zahng Gil-jah, is God the Mother.

Churchgoers believe that Ahn Sahng-hong fulfilled the prophecies of the second coming of Jesus, and observe the Sabbath on Saturday, rather than Sunday.

Over the years, the World Mission Society Church of God has been at the centre of a lot of controversies. Many people take issue with the church's unique take on the traditional Christian Bible, while other critics find the church's aggressive evangelism and recruitment tactics to be predatory. Church members are required to contribute financially to the church, and to adhere to the strict rules of the fellowship.

Many former World Mission Society church members and religious experts have labelled the church a cult.

What does Reddit have to say?

Perhaps this isn't much of a surprise, but Reddit's advice was — for the most part — to run for the hills.

"Oh yeah, these people are a pretty well-known cult group. Run for the hills unless you want to get roped in," said one commenter.


"Yes, this sounds like a cult," wrote another. "I would talk to her about financial requirements, if she has signed and NDA — and then take it from there."

"As someone who escaped from a cult I was raised in and is not religious, I would not date someone who is highly religious or in a cult," one commenter wrote. "I might offer some resources or offer to be supportive if they choose to open their eyes or leave, but I would not continue a relationship. It will likely not end well for you."

"People in cults do not know they're in a cult," added another Redditer, who said that they had previously "escaped a Mormon cult."

They continued: "Whatever you say against the cult, they'll take it as an attack on them. I would recommend trying to help her spend the least amount of time possible with them or doing cult stuff. Help her stay in the real world and around normal people. She's probably being indoctrinated to believe she's special and needs to save the world. If you're gonna point out stuff about her religion, proceed with caution, you may be attacking her identity (cults take people's individuality and identity).

"Be as kind and compassionate as you can," they added. "I would assume she was vulnerable and that's how she got sucked in."

Of course, this is the internet we're talking about, so not all the advice was thoughtful.

"Get into the cult. Become their new leader. Destroy the cult from within," joked one poster.

Feature Image: Getty.