
Dami Im's performance of the National Anthem at the NRL Grand Final is getting a lot of love.

It’s NRL Final night, and the country is split in half.

When it comes to the teams who are playing, there’s a divide through the middle of our great nation.

But apparently, when it comes to Dami Im‘s rendition of the National Anthem, we’re all bloody in this together – because EVERYONE LOVED IT.

Time to switch that TV off and turn in for the night, Australia.

Or I suppose you could watch the game… if you’re keen on anti-climaxes, that is.

Can’t get enough Dami Im? Watch her performance at Eurovision.

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Top Comments

Kimbo 8 years ago

She did a great job!
Keith Urban was HOT!!!

jookieapc 8 years ago

Im's performance was well fitting to a memorable grand final. A fantastic end to the 2016 NRL, well done. Can we please get Jon Bon next year though?