
This is the most prestigious thing you can do in cheerleading but all anyone can talk about is their pay.

If you've recently binged America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders on Netflix, you're probably wondering just how much the cheerleaders get paid.

Because despite being members of the most prestigious cheerleading squad, most of the women hold second jobs.

"I would say I’m making…like a Chick-fil-A worker who works full time," says former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Kat Puryear in the series.

Watch the trailer for America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders here. Post continues after video.

The seven-part docuseries — which follows the lives of the most famous cheerleaders in American football — has brought renewed attention to their compensation, a topic that has long been contentious. 

So how much are the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders paid? Here's everything to know about their salaries.

What is America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders about?

America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders offers a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to become a member of this prestigious squad. 

Directed by Emmy Award-winning Greg Whiteley, the series delves into the personal stories of the cheerleaders and their coaches throughout the 2023-24 season. 

It highlights the intense audition process, the demanding training camps, and the pressures of maintaining peak physical and mental performance.

The series also sheds light on the dual lives many cheerleaders lead. For instance, Kelcey Wetterberg, a first group leader, is a pediatric registered nurse, while rookie Reece Allman works in a flower shop.

Kelcey Wetterberg. Image: Netflix.

How much do the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders get paid?

The pay for the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders has been a topic of much discussion and controversy.

Historically, NFL cheerleaders have been underpaid, often earning less than minimum wage. However, the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders are among the highest-paid in the league. 

"I've heard horror stories of what a typical NFL cheerleader [makes], but I think the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders fall into a new category," director Greg Whiteley told Glamour UK.

"None of them are rich. None of them are getting paid a ton, but it isn’t the same dearth of payment that I think other NFL cheerleaders have to experience."

Image: Netflix.

Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders earn approximately $500 USD ($753 AUD) per game, which is significantly higher than the average NFL cheerleader's pay of around $150 USD ($226 AUD) per game, according to NBC Sports Boston

This game-day pay translates to about $10,000 USD ($15,000 AUD) for a season's worth of games.

In addition to their game-day pay, cheerleaders can earn extra money through public appearances, which pay between $50 to $75 USD ($73 to $113 AUD) per event, the publication reports.

These appearances can include school visits, corporate events, and charity functions.

The total annual earnings for a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader can reach up to $75,000 USD ($113,000 AUD), especially for those who are more experienced or hold senior positions within the squad. 

This figure includes their game-day pay, hourly wages for practices and events, and additional earnings from public appearances.

Despite being one of the highest-paid cheerleading squads, the pay for Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders is still relatively low compared to other roles within the NFL. 

For example, NFL water boys earn around $53,000 per year, and mascots make about $25,000 per season, NBC Sports Boston wrote.

"There’s a lot of cynicism around pay for NFL cheerleaders — as it should be. They’re not paid a lot," Charlotte Jones, the Cowboys' chief brand officer and daughter of owner Jerry Jones said in the series.

"But the facts are, they actually don’t come here for the money. They come here for something that’s actually bigger than that to them. They have a passion for dance."

You can watch America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders on Netflix now.

Feature image: Netflix.

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Top Comments

enad001 8 days ago
The pay is unbelievable IMO. It seems like NFL teams have got away with paying these ladies as little as possible for far too long. They should definitely be able to support themselves at least. You would think that they would earn a decent living being a cheerleader. Franchise owners need make a change. Maybe rather than carrying 36 cheerleaders, cut the total down to 20 or 25 and pay them a decent wage. 

random 4126 9 days ago 1 upvotes
Says the daughter of the owner: "But the facts are, they actually don’t come here for the money. They come here for something that’s actually bigger than that to them. They have a passion for dance." Righto. Said like only a rich person can say.