
An Aussie couple invited Wills and Kate to their wedding. This was the response they received.


An Australian couple invited Kate and Wills to their wedding, even though they’d very definitely never actually met the royal couple.

And guess what?

Kate and Wills wrote an ACTUAL LETTER BACK.

(Well, to be precise, a royal minion wrote an actual letter back. But she assured them the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge ‘very much regretted’ not being able to attend, which is almost the same as Kate sending a hand-scrawled note scented with her perfume. Right?)

Anyway, without further delay, here’s the letter in all its fancy, letter-headed glory.

Georgie Clark, the bride-to-be behind the invite, is a producer for the Fitzy & Wippa show on NOVA 969.

She said on the show this morning: “They probably actually remember me from waving and screaming at them while they were here.”

“I think they probably sat around having a good debate about it on the couch,” she joked.

Clark then posed for a photo with the radio hosts to show exactly how excited she was to receive the Royal Reply. Which is VERY, obviously:

Although perhaps not quite as excited as Wippa.





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Top Comments

Susi-Q 10 years ago

Ugh. What is with indenting the first line if every new paragraph?? That is not how you type a letter. Makes my eyes bleed!

Kate 10 years ago

That's old school. How it "used" to be done. Full blocking is how you would be used to it now.

Alchemy 10 years ago

That's the way a letter was set out a loooooong time ago. Speaking from experience...

respallturner 10 years ago

As a long-time copyeditor, I can tell you that the convention is: block paragraphs for formal letters; indented for casual, informal correspondence. By using indented paragraphs, the Royal Couple in fact demonstrated a certain degree of friendliness.

Kate Russell 10 years ago

My now husband and I invited Kevin Rudd and Therese Rein to our wedding in 2009. (The extra bonuses from the government that we were able to claim at the time really helped us out.)They didn't come either, but we got a very nice letter back!