Is it possible that children are more difficult than they once were? Or do we just complain more?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – parenting is so much harder than I ever thought it would be.
Amongst the toddler joy and laughter there’s the constant battles, questioning your decisions, debating with your partner over tactics, berating yourself when you do the wrong thing...the list goes on.
And like many of my friends, I’ve turned to my own mother for advice and to vent.
“Was I ever like this at 3? What about my sisters? I don’t ever remember refusing to go bed, how did you get me to sleep? How did you cope?”
Frustratingly Mum apparently never went through half of the stuff myself and my sister (who has three boys) are currently in the thick of. Unlike me, she also had a husband who didn’t cook, clean or wipe bums; and she didn’t use modern conveniences such as disposable nappies, ATMs, online shopping or iPads to get more things done. Oh and she also did secretarial work for my father’s business until 1am while we were all in bed, so she was a working mum too.
Basically she had a lot less help than me, yet seemed to get through the toddler wilderness years relatively unscathed. How, how I
Mum believes the reason is perhaps because my sister and I both have boys and she had three girls - because you know, "girls are easier". Bulldust! I have friends with daughters who pull their hair out on a regular basis just like me. So it can't be that.