
"It's been a wake-up call": Constance Hall opens up about a "scary" health check.

Blogger Constance Hall has revealed she suffers from an inflammatory bowel disease called ulcerative colitis.

The Perth mother of four thanked her followers for their support after undergoing a colonoscopy and health check.

“I just wanna say a big thanks to everyone who messaged me yesterday hoping that I was ok after my colonoscopy,” she wrote on Facebook.

“I have an inflamed bowel disease Ulcerative Colitis that makes my bowels bleed and gives me the literal shits and can progress to something more serious like Bowel Cancer.”

The 32-year-old said her symptoms changed recently and doctors wanted to “make sure nothing more was going on”.

“They have let me know that I am in the clear and while I will always have UC [ulcerative colitis] it’s not turned into anything else,” she said.

The blogger admitted she found the process “scary” but now feels “really lucky and grateful”.

Hall said it was “a wake-up call” to prioritise her health and vowed to eat healthy and exercise.

Ulcerative colitis is a long-term condition that causes patches of inflammation and ulceration to develop in the digestive tract, according to Health Direct.

Symptoms can be painful and include diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramping, tiredness and weight loss.

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Health Direct states ulcerative colitis “affects the large bowel (colon and/or rectum), and inflammation is only in the surface layers of the bowel lining.

“Colitis is also sometimes called ‘ulcerative colitis’ because it causes ulcers (tiny sores) to form in the lining of the bowel.”

Constance Hall on Instagram.


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Top Comments

Penny 8 years ago

I have it too. Bloody awful. Welcome to a life time of medications and flare ups. My tip: take your maintenance meds religiously or you could lose your colon. It's autoimmune and not caused by what you eat, but caused by genetics/unknown factors involving microbiome and immune system). But changing your diet during a flare up can be helpful with symptoms. Good luck! Get a good gastroenterologist who specialises in IBD.