real life

The beautiful story behind this iconic image of Connie Johnson.

There’s something about Connie Johnson, her story and her work, that touches you in a way few things do.

She was, put simply, a phenomenal human being, who worked tirelessly for breast cancer research, and whose tenacity, positivity, and honesty was nothing short of inspirational.

When news of Connie Johnson‘s passing was shared on Friday night, the outpouring of grief from the countless people whose lives she affected was humbling.  In Connie, people saw a shining light in what is a universally devastating experience. They saw their friends, sisters, mothers, and daughters – everyone they’ve known who’s been taken too soon.

Alongside her brother Sam’s touching words sharing the news of her passing, was a striking black-and-white photo of Connie. Her eyes stare straight into ours, and she holds a bowl in her hands.

READ: The time to honour Connie is now. Here are three things we can do today.

On Friday night, Sam told the story behind the image.

“The ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi embraces flaws and imperfections,” he wrote. “This idea behind the art of repairing pottery with gold suggests that the cracks are simply an event in life, they don’t represent an end, and can make things stronger, even more beautiful.”

“I love this photo on a philosophical level, but also, because in this photo, Connie is so openly giving and receiving. Never taking. That’s why I wanted to share it with you. xsammy.”

It’s a particularly fitting allegory for Connie’s message for all of us.

Listen: Samuel Johnson speaks to Mia Freedman about Connie and Love Your Sister’s vision…

Kintsugi tells us we shouldn’t throw away something because it’s broken – its breakages are often what make it valuable. The gold cracks tell a story of resilience, of appreciating that trauma and pain and heartache can be made precious. All the things that break us also make us beautiful and unique.

In her 40 years, Connie Johnson created a legacy that will likely save the lives of countless mothers, sisters, daughters, girlfriends and aunties.

This legacy is the gold glue holding the cracks together.

And we will forever be grateful.

Donate to Love Your Sister

The best way to continue Connie’s legacy is to act, and to help the experts find a cure for this evil disease.

The good news is this: acting is simple. If you want to make a change, you can donate to LYS right here.

It doesn’t have to be a groundbreaking amount – anything you can spare will help pave the way to a cancer-free world, one where mothers like Connie are around to see their children grow up.

Connie, thank you for creating a world where more women are breast-aware. All Australian women are better off for your existence in the world.

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