
How'd you like to spend Xmas on Christmas Island?

For many people, there’s nothing merry about Christmas Island.

Not for the survivors of the boat that crashed there. Not for the people who are held in detention there after fleeing their own persecution. Whether they celebrate Christmas or not (there are people of many faiths held in detention) there won’t be anything happy about the holidays they’ll spend on Christmas Island.

There are current 629 asylum seekers in detention on the island.

There are 4223 men, women and children asylum seekers in detention around Australia.

This video is an extremely haunting reminder of that simple fact. If you doubted the human impact of the tragedy of detention and the ship that was wrecked there, watch this. We challenge you not to be affected.

Merry Christmas indeed.

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Top Comments

Mel 13 years ago

I actually don't have a problem with the people who come here for whatever reason.........its the ones who come here and then complain about it shit me.

Anouk 13 years ago

Wow,so much racism and smallmindedness going on here in Australia,and even in some of those few comments below....I've watched that show-i think it's called 'Go back where you came from' on SBS-and i just can't believe how simple someone has to be to have those kinds of views...
There is no way for us to even try to imagine what those people went through in their home countries,enough horrific to drive them to board a boat and head out into the unknown,often leaving their families behind as well.
I have never heard of another country which treats it's refugees like criminals the way Australia does.It's one of the reasons i have not gone down the Citizenship lane myself yet either-it disgusts me.

Shannon 13 years ago

I watched "Go Back Where You Came From" and I spent a good deal of it in tears. I've never been anti-asylum seekers or anti-refugees, and it reaffirmed that stance in me, but it also made me realise that I'd never had any real idea of how bad it could be for them. I think there's a difference between knowing theoretically that it can be really bad, and seeing evidence of it. As much as it was very confronting, I'm really glad I watched that documentary.

Some of the attitudes expressed by the people involved - particularly at the start - made me so furious. Similar intense frustration swells in me when I read some comments here.

There was also a Four Corners report by Sarah Ferguson about asylum seekers in detention...ironically, it aired around the same time Today Tonight ran a story about asylum seekers living in "refugee resorts". Unfortunately, I suspect more people watched Today Tonight and take that for gospel (despite a subsequent "clarification" after a Media Watch grilling) than watched Four Corners.

Natasha 13 years ago

I honestly don't have an issue with them coming here and eventually housed. I do however have an issue with the struggling Aussie families who don't have a roof over their heads, living in cars, tents , in peoples living rooms . We need to look after & nuture the australians already living here stuggling with no shelter. They should be our priority.

Mel 13 years ago

So your not actually an Australian citizen, but your disgusted in something the country your living in does? Whats wrong with your home country?

Laura 13 years ago

What a rude comment. Also quite ironic in that Anouk mentions the program "Go Back to Where You Came From" and this is clearly the underlying sentiment of your comment! (particularly noticeable in the remark "What's wrong with your home country?")
You seem to believe that Anouk's legal state in relation to inhabiting Australia disallows her from criticising anything. Surely anyone who lives in a society, regardless of the crown of arms in their passport, should be able to express dissatisfaction at aspects of the said society? Criticism leads to progress - vital for a successful society.