Summer is my favourite time of the year. Not because of the Christmas presents, mind you, but because of the parties that accompany it.
While the first few are always exciting and I spend weeks figuring out what I’m going to wear, the further into festive season I get, the less time and effort I can afford (and be bothered) putting into getting ready.
To save yourself the last-minute stress, here’s how I program my pre-party autopilot to get myself ready in less than 15 minutes. The trick is, of course, to plan ahead where you can, which will buy you some time when it all comes down to the wire.
1. Buy presents in bulk.
No one wants to show up at a party empty handed, but with what often seems like a season of countless social events, it’s difficult to find the time to shop for personalised presents.
I know this is sort of cheating but I buy the same present for lots of different people, assuming they won’t be receiving them at the same time. I’ll find a beautiful scented candle, a cute beauty gift bag or a small gourmet food hamper and buy a few of each.
To save yourself even more time, opt to get them wrapped in store – you’ll be glad you thought ahead when you’re trawling through draws frantically searching for spare gift bags.
Candles are pretty awesome TBH. Image: Facebook.
2. Do a weekly face mask.
With Christmas and New Year’s parties stretching well into the new year, one too many late nights and glasses of bubbly can and will show on my skin.