
Chrissie Swan doesn't have time for fat jibes: "Tell me something I don't know."

Image: Chrissie Swan at the Logies (Getty).

Ever since she came runner-up on Big Brother back in 2003, Chrissie Swan has won hearts across the nation with her warmth and wit.

Most recently, the media personality had us laughing throughout the first Australian series of I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here – and then made us dissolve into snotty tears when her son Leo and husband Chris paid her a visit during the finale.

RELATED: Kelly Clarkson is body shamed. Responds in the best way ever.

Despite Swan’s success, popularity and general loveliness, she still cops a lot of nastiness for the mere fact she dares to be larger than a size eight. Depressingly, it seems a lot of people out there still believe a woman’s weight or appearance can undermine all of her other achievements and attributes; or that they’re entitled to even comment on these things.

Even reading about someone being shamed for their body is enough to make you never want to leave the house again. But rather than take these fat jibes personally, Swan dismisses them as pointless observations. (Post continues after gallery.)

Chrissie Swan on Instagram

“When someone calls me fat – I know that, I’ve got a mirror, tell me something I don’t know. That really doesn’t bother me to be honest, that’s like saying I have brown hair,” the 41-year-old said during an appearance on Studio 10 this week.

“I am an imperfect person and I know that about myself.”

RELATED: Pink shuts down body haters in the way only she could.

The mum of three also said she’s been enduring forms of body shaming since her Big Brother days. She recalled overhearing a crew member talking about her size, an incident that left her feeling “very vulnerable and scared”.

“I was taking my bra off and I heard someone behind me say “I know you like big women”And I was like “What’s going on, are they sending pictures of my boobs to friends? Like what, have I become someone’s fetish?” she told the Studio 10 panel.


This is awful, but what makes matters worse is that Chrissie Swan is just one of many successful woman whose weight is regularly up for discussion, for no good reason. In the last few weeks alone, Pink, Giuliana Rancic and Kelly Clarkson have been the target of cruel body-shaming comments, to which they have all responded with humour and dignity.

"I love how people think [my weight]'s new - like, 'Welcome to the past 13 years,'" Clarkson told Ellen Degeneres, after a TV host observed she could 'stay off the deep dish pizza for a while' (ugh, the nerve).

RELATED: Should Giuliana Rancic really have to apologise for her body?

"Yeah, I was the biggest girl on [American Idol], too. And I wasn't big, but people would call me big because I was the biggest one on Idol and I've kind of always gotten that."

It's 2015, people. Surely it's time we found more useful pastimes than mocking women for how they look?

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