
WATCH: Chrissie Swan on career highlights, c-sections and her kids' weight.


Chrissie Swan could be reading out a computer modem manual, and we would still love her.

So you can imagine our excitement when we found out that the TV and radio presenter was sitting down with Monty Diamond from Show + Tell to talk about something infinitely more interesting; herself. Chrissie fronts one of the few all-female radio shows in the country, and has faced her fair (read: totally unfair) share of criticism for her parenting of her three kids.

On how she felt about the controversy surrounding her children’s weight:

“Scared. And also, because I haven’t been in the public eye for very long… I just didn’t really know. I expect the best. I always just assume that people are going to be nice.”

On radio as a male-dominated industry:

“When I has my first child, Leo – who is four now – and was in hospital, I was being harassed by someone in upper management at the radio station. And I don’t know if that was sexist, or if he’s just a psychopath.”

On deciding with her partner on whether to have an elective C-section:

“We were both present. We were both exactly as we are. I wasn’t afraid, or crazy, or out of control. And neither was he.”

On her career highlight:

“The Circle. Definitely The Circle. That was just an absolute gift.”

Thanks so much to Show + Tell for these interviews. To see more interviews with awesome Aussie women, click here.

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LiSofby 11 years ago

K, just do that with your neighbor kids.

LiSofby 11 years ago

K, just do that with your neighbor kids.