"Muuuummmm, can I please get a mobile phone?"
I have been hearing this from my 11-year-old daughter weekly since she was about eight years old. I have never leaned into the idea because I have never felt that she needed it.
Until we had to start looking into high schools.
Summer will be in her last year of primary school next year then, off to the big ol' world of high school. She has already started spending more time out of home, whether at friends’ places or sports, and not being able to contact her has been a bit of a challenge at times.
Watch: Parents of teenagers, translated. Post continues below.
Add the impending travel by bus to high school and the idea of Summer having a mobile phone adds a level of comfort for me.
That being said, I always like to do my homework before making a big decision and introducing your child to their first mobile phone feels like a really big one. We’re opening them up to a whole new world of communication, and a whole new array of boundaries and responsibilities.
So here are a number of things I have found need consideration before (and after) handing our little angels what seems like their innermost desire!