Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into how Australia's child care system can be improved. He wants to meet the needs of modern families and is ready for child care reform.
So are we Tony, so are we...
The PM is asking parents to contribute to the inquiry. He's asking us all to tell him what we think of the current child care system. "Our child care system should be responsive to the needs of today's families and today's economy, not the five-day, 9am-5pm working week of last century,'' Mr Abbott said. Too right. But how?
We posed the question to you via our Facebook page and here's what you told us, in order of importance:
10 things the Prime Minister needs to know about child care:
1. It's too expensive
This is the biggest complaint by parents. Child care is too expensive for most modern families. Despite most Australian households being made up of two incomes, and despite the fact half of preschool fees already covered by the government, the costs is thousands of dollars more than primary school.
You said:
"Fees are too high - $84 !!" Bonnie Palmer
"Make it cheaper. It costs $140-$160 in Manly Sydney per day." Katie Hall
"So expensive. I know parents who send their kids to school as soon as possible because it is cheaper... So wrong especially when the child is not ready." Marina Makhlouf