Chezzi Denyer opens up to the readers of her blog The Chezzi Diaries about why they haven’t heard from her in the second half of the year, and won’t hear much until early next year.
About a month ago, Scout had a bad cold as little kids often do when they start day care. She kindly passed it to Grant first, and he was unwell with a sinus infection and subsequent chest infection after that, and then I developed the sniffles and BANG, I was smashed with bronch-li something and while I was being treated for that, developed my worst ever case of sinusitis.
I have a bad history of sinus infections. They relate right back to when I was playing basketball in the US at age 15. During a game overseas, I was hit in the nose by an elbow, and the left hand side of my nose was smashed badly. I was not able to play basketball again.
As I was told I needed to have surgery at the time, but was not covered properly to have it done in the States, I opted to wait until I came back home a few weeks later. I never had that operation though as when I returned home, my nose had all healed and I was young and had no issues at that stage.
It wasn’t until I tried playing sport a few months later, that I realised I was now left with a loud whistle through my nose and sinus. Again, I was young and silly and actually thought it was kinda cool that I could whistle through my nose.
I could also impress my friends by sucking my left nostril completely closed just by sucking in hard. It was cool, okay!
Fast forward to my mid-twenties, and I was starting to have hearing issues out of my left ear. In fact, at one point, I had just under 10 percent hearing in that ear. When I got a cold (not that often) I would hear crackling in my left ear for weeks afterwards. Similar to when you’re travelling and your ear pops.