For British media personality and magazine editor Jo Elvin, she learned two major lessons once she became the editor of Glamour Magazine.
Along with the status and the biggest salary in the room, Elvin said her job came with a lot of responsibility – and some harsh truths too.
The first lesson was that some employees struggle to see the head of the company or a senior leadership figure as one of them – a human. Someone who has real emotions, faults and feelings.
"It seemed that I was just the 'boss' object, whose personal life wasn't a real thing, just the focus of amusing gossip as sport," Jo wrote in her newsletter My Goodness! this week.
"There's often an assumption – perhaps an expectation – that the boss can take as many punches that come their way and carry on standing. Quite often, people forget their boss is an actual human being."
The second lesson was that employees are never really your friends when you are the boss.
"You realise that no matter how well you think you get on with the people you’re paid to manage, some of them will never really view you a fully-formed person," Jo explained.
Watch Mamamia Confessions: our horror job interview stories. Post continues below.