
This obsessive media focus on the bodies of new mothers is a terrible thing for women.


Relentless. Objectifying. Obsessively fixated on the body of a new mother.

I have a dream. It’s a simple dream. One where the media stops obsessing about women’s bodies. All women’s bodies, but especially when they’re pregnant or new mothers.


Because this media obsession is bad for women. It’s bad for every pregnant women and every women who has a baby and every woman who wants to have a baby one day.

It’s also bad for their partners who have to console them and reassure them that it’s OK that their body is bigger, or that’s OK because they’re growing another human or that it hasn’t ‘snapped back’ (whatever the hell that even means) within days of leaving hospital.

I like to look at photos of pregnant celebrities and famous new mums with their babies as much as the next person. Pregnant women are magnificent. New mothers are incredible. New life is something to be celebrated.

But did I miss the memo that said these images should be accompanied by a running commentary on that woman’s body? Always. Without exception. Because that’s what the audience want. Well, as part of the audience, can I politely say: get stuffed?

I don’t want pregnant women and new mothers to be objectified mercilessly by creepy journalists writing headlines and captions praising or mocking their shape. I don’t want faux concern that they’re ‘struggling with their changing shape” or the equally faux gushing about how impressive it is that they’re “looking trim and terrific so soon after giving birth”.

Who are you people?  This was an almost full-page shot near the front of a major city newspaper a couple of months ago. Well done, photographer, for zooming in on a new mother’s bum. Congratulations art department, for blowing it up so we can all get a really really good look. Superb work sub-editor who wrote the vacuous caption that reduces a woman’s worth after giving birth to the size of her arse.

Seriously, who are the people who do this stuff? Is it women who haven’t had babies yet? Is it men who have never watched their partner be consumed by the pressure and anxiety that goes with ‘getting her baby body back’?

Because surely it’s not women who have had children? Surely no woman could be so self-loathing as to willingly feed the media machine that objectifies the bodies of mothers and pregnant women so relentlessly?

Like this week’s coverage of Duchess Kate’s “post-baby” body:

The media's focus on Kate Middleton's post pregnant body.

Relentless. Objectifying. Obsessively fixated on the body of a new mother. What the hell is this about? Who does it benefit? Who wants it? Because I’m honestly baffled.

Being pregnant makes you feel vulnerable. Being a new mother makes you feel vulnerable. And these things are hard enough without this appalling public scrutiny. And you don’t have to be famous to feel it.

Words like “flaunting” and “unveiling” when it comes to the bodies of a new mother – or any woman –  are abhorrent. She is not a stripper. She is not a prize or a package. She is a person. Who just grew and birthed another person. And she deserves some respect.

Did people comment on your post baby body? What was your experience? 

Click through the gallery below for a realistic look at the first day of motherhood by Jenny Lewis.

Mothers holding their babies.

For more on body image.. 

9 kick-ass quotes about body image from some of our favourite women.

Here’s what having 4 babies in 5 years can do to your body image.

It’s great to endorse positive body image. But it’s even better to do something about it.

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Top Comments

Sarah Day 9 years ago

Plus, these headlines are making assumptions such as 'showing off her pot-baby body' and 'proving she is fit'. She is probably enjoying time with her son while trying to watch her husband play polo. Actually, if she had a 'fat' post baby body, that is probably what the headline would be - 'Kate enjoys time playing with George at Dad's polo match' may be.

TwinMamaManly 9 years ago

I think it's appalling to focus on a new mother's appearance, especially as you are at your most vulnerable and dependent as the mother of a new baby. The focus should be on the baby's, her and her partner's health and well-being. Especially because how quickly and how far you "snap-back" to pre-baby has more to do with the completely uncontrollable variable of genetics than anything else. Diet and exercise are very important, but so is sleep, caring for and bonding with a new baby.

It was enough for me that my partner thinks I'm beautiful and my friends told me I was doing a great job as a new mum, despite really struggling at the time.

Guest 9 years ago

Do you really think kate Middleton would be feeling vulnerable in these photos.
For heavens sake people hours went into planning this little outing......hours of planning what to wear......YES SKINNY JEANS. She looks awesome, she knows she looks awesome and would be enjoying the attention. I really wouldn't be feeling too sorry for her......she looks like she is soaking it all up......good luck to her.

Me 9 years ago

You are making about a million assumptions. She's wearing jeans for eff's sake. That's about as laid back as a woman get get, other than tracksuit pants (and no royal is wearing them out). You have no idea if she's "soaking it all up" or if she absolutely hates it but puts up with it because that's part of the deal of marrying the man she loves. She could be wearing a paper bag and you'd say she's doing it for attention.