
'I wanted more than motherhood and a boring job'.





Catapulting out of uni, when my brain stopped spinning from readings and essays and tutes, it came to rest not on the career I’d prepped for, but on marriage and babies. My parents had me late-ish, and I wanted my kids to know them. Motherhood – warts and all – felt right. So, at twenty-four, I plunged purposefully into the slow lane, career-wise.

My job paid for electricity and meat and Clarks First Walkers and Gymbaroo and had promotional opportunities and flexibility and sparked about as much creativity as did lying on the couch having a kip. It was safe. I could do it with my eyes shut and focus on other things. Important things… or so I told myself, several years into it, having dredged from somewhere yet another morning’s bucket-load of fake enthusiasm for the kids’ sake.

‘Have a great day at school!  Mummy’s off to work!’ (Yawn… sigh… bleuch – childish dramatics in the face of interminable clock-watching.)

My plan to tread water was well-intended.  I was up for low-stress, medium-level responsibility and work-life balance.  But, at the end of the day, the extra energy that I’d hoped to plug into motherhood had already been sapped by the effort it took to be Bored Senseless during working hours – a situation more challenging than it sounds, that spreads virally into your private life if you let it.

I’d crawl home, exhausted from another day of cruising in a direction that didn’t interest me – eight hours closer to my next holiday, which was never close enough.  I’d tell myself ‘I’m in my comfort zone, and that’s ideal as a working mum…’

Every so often, I’d catch a glimpse of the magic that lies beyond that zone – i.e. the cool stuff that other people do.  Bold people, who – even with kids – have grass stains on their knees from all the times they’ve fallen over, giving a career they’re wildly passionate about a red-hot go.

My knees were pristine, and the longer I clung to the status quo, the less comfortable it became in the fortress I’d built to stay secure and protected.  From what?  Exposure?  Mistakes?  Failure?  Eventually it dawned that, in my effort to be conservative and sensible and ‘family friendly’ – I wasn’t being me.

The ‘Am I good enough?’ mantra that had blasted through my internal PR system for years was soon drowned by a new question: ‘Is this good enough?’ This life ‘half lived’?  These opportunities shelved…

The taste of possibility was more-ish and, despite not seeing the big picture yet, I formed an ‘exit strategy’.  First question: How long could I stay here – miserable in the wrong job – serving up to my kids a poor imitation of the mother they might have if I’m being ‘all of me’.

Another year?  Three months?  Three minutes?

None of the above?

Gah! Would my alternative plan work?  It meant starting from scratch.  It meant an enormous drop in income.  It meant a sharp rise in the number of times I heard, ‘are you crazy?’

Easier to stay in the comfort zone, perhaps…

Except, having opened my mind to another way, I couldn’t close it again.  I knew that the fear of failure would chase me and find me and taunt me like a school bully while I cowered in the toilets.  Frankly, I was cowering in the toilets anyway – hoping to make short work of another five minutes in an endless working day.

Why not run towards what I wanted, instead of away from what I didn’t want?  What was really the worst that could happen?

Confidence shows up when we need it.  We don’t need it to laze in our pyjamas, watching cooking shows, thinking ‘I wish my life was different.’ We need it to push ‘send’ on the resignation email, to lick that stamp on the enrolment papers and to register a business name.

When my daughter started pre-school, she was barnacled to my ankle. Every morning I dragged her back to face it.  Every morning there were tears (hers and mine).  Almost a decade later, I watch as she ever-so-coolly sashays into the school yard and I think, ‘Is that the same girl?

Several years after I pressed ‘send’ on that email to my boss, saying ‘Thank you – I have to go …’ maybe my daughter wonders the same about me.  Is this the same Mum?

The one with the grass stains on her knees, falling onto the couch at night – sated from work, loving motherhood – success and failure littered like Christmas wrapping around her.

No longer wondering ‘What if?’ but ‘What next…’

Emma Grey is the author of Wits’ End Before Breakfast! Confessions of a Working Mum (Lothian, 2005) and director of the life-balance consultancy, WorkLifeBliss.  She regularly writes on motherhood, work and relationships on her blog which you can find here.

Have you ever strayed out of your comfort zone?

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Top Comments

Mellyjh 12 years ago

Hi Emma,
I understand this completely. I sometimes wish I could change direction, even if it just means a change of school... I'm a single mum of a gorgeous five yr old and a full-time high school teacher. I'm yet to find a balance, but knowing that I can provide everything for my child (my ex husband wants no part) and still be there for her in the afternoons and holidays is really important to me. Now I know many may see me as selfish but just occasionally I yearn for some ''me' time... The early morning and ridiculously late nights just to fit everything in are wearing thin!
I commend you for being able to see a need for change and having the confidence to embrace it.

Emma Grey 12 years ago

Hi Melly,

You sound like a great mum. There is nothing selfish about wanting some 'me time' as a full time mum and teacher. Think of that oxygen mask on a plane - we're instructed in the safety briefing to fit it to ourselves, before we help others... The same is said for motherhood. To be the best, most engaged, healthy, happy mother that you can be, you need some 'oxygen' of your own.

All the best. I know it's hard being a single mum.


Career crossroads 12 years ago

After maternity leave stint #2, I decided that the well-paid, cushy corporate role that I'd had for many years was not providing the challenge I was craving. The job was convenient and easy, but I felt bored and complacent.
So, I made the brave decision to swap comfort for excitement and the opp to learn a new industry.
At first, I loved the change. It was new and I felt the most stimulated in a work environment in a long time. But, after a few months - it started to catch up to me.
I physically didn't have the time to work the long hours and immerse myself in the job. I was frustrated knowing I needed to do better, and constantly feeling guilty for always stressing about work and not spending enough time with the kids and being a crabby wife.
In the end, I decided that actually it wasn't the right time for a new career challenge, and resigned not actually knowing what my next career move is.
Being a working mum isn't easy and I've concluded that what it boils down to is that family comes first, career second. My next move will reflect this....

Emma Grey 12 years ago

You are so right - working motherhood is not easy!

Best wishes with your next move, and enjoy your family always.

me too 12 years ago

I'm at a similar crossroads

I left a career I enjoyed when I realised that the logical next step (for which it was time) was not compatible with the type of family life I wanted. I started postgrad studies when pregnant with #2 for a new career (which would hopefully have part time opportunities and no travel).

Fast forward 2 years and I accepted a full time job I hadn't expected to be offered and found the massive pay cut (bottom rung of a lower paying industry) combined with it being less stimulating than I'd expected after the initial newness wore off was not worth the toll 2 full time jobs were taking on our family (and my employer's walk did not match their recruitment material's talk on flexibility, part time and family friendliness).

So for me too family comes first and career second. I realise we're lucky we can afford to make the choice for me to stay at home, and I'm thankful for that. For some reason I trust that when the time's right an opportunity will present itself, but for now I can't quite see what it will be. And I'm surprised at how OK I am with that. Mostly. Sort of. Sometimes.

But I want to build on the advances my mum's generation made. She had a 20 year banking career (where she was paid as a man because there were no women's pay scales for her role). She started the day after she left school and resigned at 36, partly due to the cost of after school/daycare for 3 kids, and partly due to pressure to be at home with us. But I know that by the time I finished school she was bored with many of the endless (and thankless) demands of home life and perhaps was planning to find 'something more' when we were older. Unfortunately she died at 48 so never got the chance.

I'd like to think that a generation on we have options other than 'all' or 'nothing', even if we have to make them for ourselves.