
Bryan Johnson plans to live forever. Now he's hosting 'Don't Die' dinners with celebrities.

Tech bro billionaire Bryan Johnson is one step closer to his mission of stopping the ageing process (according to himself), revealing he's been able to slow down his internal clock so much, that he now celebrates his birthday every 19 months, rather than annually like the rest of us. 

"I just achieved a new personal best: 0.64 pace-of-ageing," he revealed via his Instagram page this week. "My birthday happens every 19 months."

Johnson has a fortune of more than $400 million, and has dedicated his life to embracing a range of radical techniques to shave off ageing. In other words, he plans to live forever. 

And now the celebrities are getting on his bandwagon.

Watch: Neuroscientist's morning routine for optimal performance. Post continues below.

Video via Modern Wisdom. 

Who is Bryan Johnson?

The Braintree and Kernel founder often refers to himself as "the world's most measured human", surrounding himself with a team of 30-plus doctors and health experts who constantly monitor him.

To avoid ageing, the multimillionaire subscribes to a lifestyle regimen carried out with military precision, which includes taking 54 pills every morning, getting skin treatments like red-light therapy and acid peels, daily exercise, not drinking alcohol, and going to bed at 8:30pm each night.


The millionaire has spent the past two years perfecting his routine (which he calls Blueprint) and outlining it for his followers — although it should be noted that the system costs him almost $3 million (AUD) per year to finance.

In a YouTube video that accompanied his latest announcement, the 46-year-old said he's only ageing 7.6 months for very 12 months that pass in a calendar year.

He's achieved this incredible feat, he says, by building his diet like he would software in his old company, Braintree, which he sold to PayPal for $800 million in 2012.

"When you build software, you build version one, and it moves to version two and version three — every version gets a little better because you remove the bad stuff and add more good stuff," Johnson says in the video.

"I've done the same thing with my diet."

Byron Johnson is spreading the anti-ageing love with celebs. 

As well as his controversial diet, Johnson has gained a stack of attention over the last year for his attempts to live forever, including receiving blood transfusions from his teen son. The goal? To have the youngest possible biological age. He even donated his own plasma to his father but said the results of that were "pending". 

The man is happy to share his newfound knowledge though, and it seems there are plenty of people who want to get in on the anti-ageing action — including celebs. 

Johnson recently posted social videos of his most recent "Don't Die" Dinner, that was evidently attended by Kim, Khloe and Kris Kardashian, along with plastic surgeon Dr Jason Diamond and podcast host and famed neuroscientist Andrew Humberman. 


The high profile guests were served up a meal of broccoli, cauliflower, black lentils, and nutty pudding, made up of walnuts, macadamia nuts, pomegranate juice, berries, and cinnamon — foods Johnson eats daily. 

Because sleep is so critical to Johnson's regime, dinner commenced at 5pm sharp, and wrapped up at 7.30pm. Plenty of time for the tech mogul to get himself ready for his 8.30pm bedtime. 

Johnson has been hosting the biweekly Don't Die dinners for a few years now, with guest including politicians, artists, scientists and even astronauts. 


According to Fortune, Johnson begins each dinner with two questions. 

"I say, if you had access to an algorithm that can give you the best physical, mental, and spiritual health of your life, but in exchange for access to the algorithm, you would have to go to bed when it said, and you would exercise in the way it said, would you say yes or would you say no?" he told the publication.

He then asks people to consider the 25th Century and how future people will think about the morals, ethics, and norms of today. 

"The next question invites introspection and contemplation of who we are in this moment," he says. 

It's not the first time Kim Kardashian has expressed interest in scientifically maintaining her youth. She was one of the first supporters of Prenuvo's full-body MRI scan, which aims to spot early signs of disease, an experience she shared with her hundreds of millions of Instagram followers. Full body scans are not recommended by the American Academy of Radiology for preventative purposes though, due to insufficient evidence to support their efficacy.

Bryan Johnson was previously sued by his ex partner. 

Johnson's former fiancée claimed he left her after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, leaving her without financial support after convincing her to give up her career to support his — so she sued him. 

Actress and content creator Taryn Southern started dating Johnson in 2016 and within weeks, she said he was referring to her as "Mrs Johnson". By 2018, they were engaged and living together in California.


Southern filed a lawsuit in October 2021, as obtained by PEOPLE. In the document, Johnson promised to "take care of her, financially and medically, for the rest of her life", she claims.

Bryan Johnson says he's managed to slow down his internal clock. Image: Instagram/@bryanjohnson_

"Johnson demanded Ms Southern's devotion of her time and creative energy to his personal needs and professional aspirations," the lawsuit claimed.

Southern's attorneys said she was "financially dependent" on her former fiancé when she was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer.


The filing went on to allege that in October 2019, as Taryn was undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and other treatments, Johnson demanded that she move out of their home.

"Johnson then took advantage of Ms Southern's weakened and vulnerable state and repeatedly leveraged his power and financial control over Ms Southern to try to get her to give up her rights and the promises she was entitled to: financial security and stability in the future and, specifically, to share in the anticipated success of his start-up company," read the lawsuit.

Southern sought a reported $13.4 million (AUD) in damages for emotional distress and financial losses.

Johnson has since revealed that, two years after the legal proceedings began, the lawsuit is over, with Southern required to pay more than $744,000 (AUD) in legal fees.

In a YouTube video titled 'My Ex-Fiancée Sued Me For [US] $9,000,000', the multimillionaire has shared his side of the story, disputing the claim they broke up after Southern's diagnosis.

"I rearranged my life and worked beside her non-stop to beat it. We flew around the country together exploring clinical trials and meeting with doctors together; together we conducted extensive research into additional therapies and tests," he said.

"It was our shared omnipresent focus."

Taryn Southern and Bryan Johnson in 2019. Image: Getty.


In response to reading the 13-page lawsuit, Bryan said he felt "a state of paralysis I've never experienced before". 

He continued, "This is a person whom I had once had the most beautiful relationship with and now she was unrecognisable to me," he said. "It's very hard to come back from and it felt devastating to me; the accusations felt like an injustice."

While he noted that friends encouraged him to settle the lawsuit, he contested it as he felt a "firm conviction" to defend himself.

"I needed to take this course and now, two-and-a-half years later, it has finally wrapped up—but it has been devastating, it has been costly, it has been stressful. I hope this case helps others in a similar predicament."


It's not the first time Johnson has been marred by relationship controversy.

Earlier this year he wrote a viral X post detailing what he expects from a future partner in terms of daily routine.

Sigh. Tech bro millionaires these days.

Feature Image: Instagram/@bryanjohnson_

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