
Wednesday's news in under 5 minutes.

1. Brisbane murder/ suicide




More details have been uncovered about the life of Brisbane Chef Marcus Volke who allegedly murdered and then cooked his young Indonesian wife, Mayang Prasetyo.

Ten News have reported that the night he allegedly killed her he rang an electrician as he had a problem with his stove.

The electrician told Ten News that when he arrived at the couple’s apartment he felt a “squelch” underfoot and was struck by a bad smell. He was told by Volke that he was cooking ‘pig’s broth.’

Fairfax Media have spoken to the mother of Mayang Prasetyo who has reached out to the family of Marcus Volke saying she forgives him.

“I hope Marcus’ mum and the whole family be strengthened in this difficult time,” she reportedly said.

 If you need help please phone Lifeline on 131 114 or the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 1800 737 732.

To read Mamamia’s post today on the alleged murder of Mayang Prasetyo, see this post.

2. Samantha Azzopardi duped Canadians

An Australian woman who sent Irish authorities on a wild goose chase last year investigating her claims of being a European child sex slave has pulled a similar unexplainable stunt in Canada.

Samantha Azzopardi, a 26-year old Australian woman has fooled authorities in Calgary into thinking she was a 14-year-old who was the victim of an abduction and prolonged sexual assault.

The Calgary Herald reports that in this case she told police her name was Aurora Hepburn.

“For several weeks, investigators and health-care workers spent countless hours working with the alleged victim to establish the extent of her abuse and provide services for her recovery,” said police.

They established she was a fraud after liaising with Garda and realizing she was the same woman who was deported from Ireland last year.

3. Jennifer Lawrence speaks out

Jennifer Lawrence has spoken out about nude photo scandal for the first time in an interview with Vanity Fair saying “It’s a sex crime.”

Lawrence has expressed anger that the pictures — which were released as part of a wide-ranging hack of celebrity nudes on August 31 — were exposed.

Her strongly worded criticism called for repercussions. “It is a sexual violation. It’s disgusting. The law needs to be changed, and we need to change. That’s why these websites are responsible.”

 4. Muslim women warned not to walk alone

Muslim women in Australia are being warned not to walk alone for fear of being attacked after a spate of ugly incidents.

The Brisbane Times reports that Muslim community leader and Eidfest president Yasmin Kahn has said

“I mean, this is 2014, 21st century Australia downtown Brisbane and we’re telling our women not to venture out by themselves,”

She cites a number of occasions where Muslim women have been attacked including a young university student who had a sandwich thrown at her by a group of men while she was waiting for a bus.

 5. Rape suspect refused bail

A Brisbane man accused of raping a German tourist has been refused bail.

The man, who cannot be named is accused of kidnapping a 20-year old backpacker in the Stanthorpe area, near the Queensland-New South Wales border.

A court heard that he drugged her with chocolate laced with Stilnox and then took her to a shed on a property 30km southwest of Stanthorpe.

The woman says she woke up cable tied to a bed, but was fed more of the drug laced chocolate.

She then woke up at 1am the next day by the side of a road.

6. Stephen Collins child abuse confession

Actor Stephen Collins, who played the father in the 1990s TV show 7th Heaven has allegedly been recorded confessing to child abuse.

The recording was reportedly obtained during a marriage counselling session with now estranged wife Faye Grant.

The alleged abuse of three girls aged between 11 and 14 is now being investigated by police.

For more read this post here.

 7. Disabled face loss of benefits

Disabled Australians under 35 on the disability support pension could lose their payments if they fail to comply with strict rules according to a report in The Australian.

A new tough compliance regime has been put in place for those on the disability pension meaning if they don’t attend a participation interview, do not enter a compulsory agreement or if they fail to undertake a compulsory activity. Their benefits will be suspended.

8. Royal Commission investigates Hillsong

The Royal Commission into institutional responses to sexual abuse has heard evidence from a man, known as AHA that he was abused by the father of the current head of the Hillsong Church between 1960 and 1970.

The man gave evidence that when he went to Frank Houston’s son Brian Houston – the current head of the church – Brian Houston told him: “You know this is your fault this all happened. You tempted my father.”

Houston responded to the commission saying, “”I strongly refute that I, at any time, accused him of tempting my father. I would never say this and I do not believe this.”

“At no stage did I attempt to hide or cover up the allegations against my father.”

The inquiry is examining how Pentecostal churches like Hillsong in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland responded to abuse allegations against Pastor Frank Houston and two other men.

AHA told the commission that years after the abuse he met Frank Houston in a restaurant and was offered a $10,000 payment, agreed to buy signing a greasy napkin.

He was never paid the money.

Frank Houston died in 2004 with no allegations proven, but the ABC reports he never denied the abuse.

If you need help please contact Adults Surviving Child Abuse on  1300 657 380

Or Bravehearts on 1800 272 831

 9. Teenager left humiliated after bikini pic shown to assembly

A teenager in the UK has been left humiliated after a teacher accessed an image of her in a bikini online and used it in a school assembly to illustrate how difficult it is to keep online pics private.

The Mirror reports that the 15-year old was left humiliated after her image was shown.

“They took the photo from her Facebook profile – she put it on there last year.

“They used other photos of kids from the neck up but for some reason they thought it was OK to use a picture of my daughter in her bikini.

“Why did they have to use an image like that to make their point? Then they pointed her out in the assembly.

The school has since apologised.

 10. Cancer survivor ordered to remove headscarf

reports that a woman who had undergone chemotherapy was ordered by a magistrates’ court in Melbourne to remove the scarf covering her head for security reasons.

Breast cancer survivor Julie Gale was left angry and humiliated by the incident.

“I felt so affronted by it, it was so insensitive and humiliating, “she told The Herald Sun.

She was attending court to support her daughter, who had been the victim of a vicious ­assault at Flinders St station.

She says a security guard pointed to her head and said take it off. She told him she had a bald head underneath.

“He said: ‘Yes, take it off. You could be hiding something’. I ripped it off my head and said: ‘Are you happy?’ I was feeling vulnerable, I had just come out of chemo.”

She is now demanding a formal apology.

 11. One-year-old dies after swallowing button battery

A one-year old girl in the UK has died after swallowing a torch battery that became lodged in her oesophagus.

Eliza Bashir, who had a heart abnormality, bled to death eight days after swallowing the battery.

An inquest into her death comes after a report in Australia over the weekend of a boy who spend over a month in hospital and nearly died after swallowing a button battery.

Sydney Children’s Hospital’s ear, nose and throat specialist, Ian Jacobson, told News Limited that parents should avoid devices with these batteries, “If button batteries stick in the oesophagus they can kill you,” he said.

“It is a very dangerous device and we really have two hours or less to get it out.”

12.  OECD rates the best city in the world

The OECD has ranked the best cities in the world and topping the list at number one is Canberra.

Canberra performed similarly to Western Norway, Sweden’s Stockholm, New Hampshire in the US and British Columbia in Canada.

 13. Near death experience study

A study into near-death experiences has shown that there is some form of consciousness after death.

The Daily Mail reports that the study by the University of Southampton found in the first few minutes after death, consciousness is not annihilated.

Dr Sam Parnia who led the study, said: “In the first few minutes after death, consciousness is not annihilated. Whether it fades away afterwards, we do not know, but right after death, consciousness is not lost.”

The study found that 40% of those who survived a cardiac arrest but who had experienced moments where they were clinically dead described some kind of ‘awareness’ before their hearts were restarted.

 14. Women still struggling with work/life balance

A study has found that 58% of working women report feeling chronically rushed and pressed for time.

The Australian Work and Life Index released today has found working mothers have the most difficulty with their work/life balance.

This is due to the unequal responsibility women still hold for childcare and domestic chores.

The reports found 1/5th of Australians work on weekends, 13% work a combination of weekend and night shifts, 6 % work exclusively at night.

Working after 9pm has the worst impact on women – causing their mental health to suffer.

14. Lunar eclipse

A rare phenomenon tonight with a total lunar eclipse – and a blood red moon above Australian skies.

The eclipse, which can be viewed with the naked eye, will begin when the Earth’s shadow creeps across the face of the moon until the moon is fully covered by the Earth’s shadow before the Moon continues to move out of shadow.

In Canberra, Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria the total lunar eclipse will be seen in the north-eastern sky from about 8pm (AEDT).

The eclipse will be visible in Darwin from about 6:30pm.

Queensland from about 7pm.

South Australia from about 7:30pm.

Western Australia from about 5pm.

Totality will occur from 9.25pm AEDT.


15. Spanish nurse becomes ‘first person to contract Ebola outside Africa’

A Spanish nurse who treated two Ebola patients in Madrid is thought to have contracted Ebola.

She is thought to be the first person to have contracted the deadly virus outside Africa.

The assistant nurse was admitted to hospital on Monday morning with a high fever and was then isolated in the emergency treatment room, according to Spanish newspaper El Pais.

Four people have now been hospitalised in Spain in an attempt to stem the spread of infection, including the nurse and her husband, the ABC reports.

The World Health Organisation has said the spread of Ebola in Europe is now “unavoidable” — but whe WHO’s European director, Zsuzsanna Jakab, has said western Europe is the best prepared region in the world to respond to an outbreak, according to the ABC.

Ebola has killed more than 3,400 people since it began in West Africa in March, the ABC reports.

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16. Woman gang raped in Sydney.

UPDATE- 10/10-14:

The woman behind the Tinder gang rape allegations has retracted her statement, the Daily Mail reports.

Police are no longer investigating the incident, and would not comment on why the woman withdrew her allegations.

Police said on Thursday the alleged victim was “struggling”.

“It’s a very emotional time for her,” Detective Inspector Michael Haddow told reporters.

Previously, Mamamia wrote…

A 28-year-old woman in Sydney has reportedly been gang raped by a man she met on Tinder.

According to a report from Fairfax, the woman – who was in Australia on business from New Zealand – woke up on Sunday morning not knowing where she was and was raped by a group of men.

The night before the woman had met up with a man in Kings Cross after meeting him on the dating app, Tinder. He took her to a bar in Martin Place and she doesn’t remember what happened after that point.

Detective Inspector Michael Haddow told the media: “The vast majority of people who use dating websites and apps do so for the right reasons, but there are a number of sexual predators out there who use modern technology to find potential victims,” said.

“We regularly remind people, children and parents in particular, that the use of the internet by sexual predators is an issue they need to be well aware of.”

“All those warnings we give to children are applicable to adults.”

Top Comments

Guest 10 years ago

7. Similar to how if you don't show up for work without a good reason you don't get paid, isn't it.
They are not going to lose their benefits if they comply with the requirements to receive it.

Faybian 10 years ago

So how is someone who is 33 and disabled any different to someone who is 36 and disabled?

anon 10 years ago

You have to take people's circumstances into consideration, a person with servere disabilities may not have access to attend meetings etc/have the capacity to comply with these requirements.
Disability is not just physical.

Nervous Nellie 10 years ago

7. Why are we coming down so hard on the disabled now? How many people honestly believe there's a ton of people on disability pension who are "rorting all us hard working taxpayers"? Of course there's always going to be a couple of dodgy people. We can trust trash TV (A Current Affair and Today Tonight etc) will point them out for us. But the vast majority would be people with genuine issues and a whole lot harder lives than a lot of us. Why are we being so awful to them? Seriously if we end up with an economy where there's so many jobs going and people sitting on benefits not trying to do anything to fill them, let's get into the problem then. But with the current jobs market where there's only one job for every 7 or 8 people unemployed, why are we spending time and energy making those people's lives harder than they already are when there's just not other options out there for them anyway?

V! 10 years ago

Honestly, I know three. And a few more people (under 50) who've been on the dole their whole life, not sure if they're claiming disability. I think there is more than we'd like to think and they're the reason there's less money for the legit ones.

Nervous Nellie 10 years ago

I respectfully disagree that there may be more than we think. You may know a few - I know none. Not one. So in our little survey of the two of us, that's still not that many people, considering how many people both you and I probably know between us. So. I would love to know real facts before assuming there's more people than we think or that there's many at all. And no matter how many people are (or aren't) "rorting" anything - until there's enough jobs out there for everyone who doesn't have one, well I stand by my assertion that we're making people's lives hard for no gain, no point. And in a way that causes issues for many people, as well as bad feeling in the community.