Kelly O’Dwyer was told to express more milk to avoid missing parliamentary proceedings. Catherine King MP is knows what that is like…
The advice to Liberal MP and new mum Kelly O’Dwyer to “express more milk” so she could add one more vote to the government’s 30 seat majority was not only insulting, but badly out of date.
For seven years the parliament has had an agreement that nursing mums can simply advise the whip they are breastfeeding and not cost their party a vote.
Parliament’s standing orders – rules which govern behaviour in the chamber – allow new mums who are breastfeeding to be given a proxy vote in the Parliament.
This means their vote is counted even if they are not physically in the chamber.
Top Comments
Well when at work, that should be the focus. That is what MPs are paid for. If you can't do your job properly, then get someone who can. How can you possibly focus on work and have a young baby present. I'm a teacher and would find this impossible. So unless changes are made for all mothers, the request is fair.
Telling anyone to express more milk is clearly something only a person who has never had to express would even consider saying!
Its not like a tap that you can just turn on and have instant supply!!! I know when I had to express it took hours over a whole day just to get enough for one bottle.
I understand the point though. She has a job to do and she simply cant be doing it effectively if she has to leave to go and breastfeed her baby. I dont know of any other workplaces where a mother can sit there working away while breastfeeding her baby. It's a disruption and a distraction that is unecessary.
If the baby is that dependent on breastmilk she should probably still be on maternity leave.
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