
At 35, Jessie was dumped by her boyfriend. The internet's response floored her.

When Jessie Hutch announced her breakup with a 10-second video, she was blown away by the response.

On TikTok, the 35-year-old shared: "POV: You're 35 and just broke up with your boyfriend of six years. I want kids… WTF? What am I supposed to do now. This song is on repeat."

The song in question? 'Tequila or Whiskey' by Willow Avalon. Some more poignant lyrics included: "I broke up with the only man I ever loved," and, "I choke up when I think about how in love we were," plus, "Tequila or whiskey, whatever gets me through."

Basically, Jessie was going through it, and her situation clearly resonated with many people — the video garnered over 500,000 likes, 4,000 comments, and 11,000 shares.

A common thread in the comments were remarks such as, "My biggest fear, I'm afraid." 

It's an understandable — albeit unhelpful — response when you consider the pressures of our biological clocks.

jessie-hutch-tik-tok-breakupJessie's breakup news garnered a massive response. Image: TikTok/@jessiehutch12


There were others who empathised with Jessie's breakup, with one commenter sharing: "30 and just got dumped by my fiancé."

Then came the moral support.

"Meghan Markle married a prince at 36," one commenter pointed out.

"Life is lonelier with the wrong partner. You will find yours," another wisely put.

"If it helps, you look 27," a third consoled. 

But by far, the largest number of comments were personal anecdotes from older mothers and their children.

"My mum met dad at 37, had me at 40," one user wrote. To which Jessie replied: "Okay. That sounds like a good timeline for me. Very doable lol hopefully my ovaries are on board."

Another added: "My mum had me at 39 with the love of her life and they are happier than anyone I know."

A third penned: "I had my baby at 39. Girl you will be fine. You are still young. What is meant for you is exactly how it will pan out."

Others suggested Jessie freeze her eggs, or have children on her own.

In a follow up video, Jessie was overcome with the responses she received about this "huge topic".

"I can't believe the amount of women supporting women, it's amazing," she said, adding that she had an appointment booked at a women's wellness centre to ask questions about fertility.

@jessiehutch12 What now? #millennials #breakups #millennialsontiktok ♬ Tequila or whiskey demo by Willow Avalon - Willow Avalon

Jessie lives overseas, but here in Australia, women are having fewer children — and having them later in life — according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

"Although total fertility remains low, the fertility rate for women in their late 30s and early 40s has significantly increased," said ABS' head of demography Emily Walter. 

Meanwhile, the fertility rate of teenage mothers has "reached an all-time low".

"The falling fertility rates of women aged under 30 years and the rising fertility rates of women in their thirties and early forties, are consistent with women having their first and subsequent births later in life," the ABS says.

"This shift towards older parenthood largely follows from young people tending to reach the milestones which usually precede parenthood (i.e. leaving the parental home, gaining economic independence, and marrying or forming long-term de facto relationships) later than was seen in previous decades."

But it's not a given that every woman who wants to have a child will be able to get pregnant later in life. As we know, our eggs decrease in quantity and quality each year, as per the Department of Health. And this looks different for each person.

That's why having a forum of women — like in Jessie's case — sharing stories and resources can allow us to feel less alone as we navigate our respective fertility journeys, whatever they may look like. 

Feature Image: TikTok.

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