This week, a dear friend of mine shared an article titled, 4 “Rules” For a Husband’s Friendships With Other Women, into our group chat.
I expected things to get spicy. Truly.
There was one friend who did consistently revert back to, “Remember my [insert ex-boyfriend who slept with ‘just a friend’]…” but honestly, most of my female friends didn’t feel this way.
The idea of rules elicited this type of response, “PUL-LEASE. RULES?”
In light of this – our self-assured, considered opinions – here are the real “rules” that my 20-something-aged friends have about their male partners daring to cross paths with another female.
Rule 1: That’s cool. But I get male friends, too.
This was the overwhelming response from my friends. They are completely happy with their boyfriends to be friends with the opposite sex because half of their friends were male.
“I don’t really have a choice but to be fine with it because so many of my close friends are boys,” my friend, Em* wrote.
Jess and Schmidt from New Girl. Image via Facebook.
"I would never stop him from having friendships with women. EVER," Prisha said.
"Also because I have many guy friends that if he tried to stop me being friends with guys, would be a big deal for me. It's def the double standards thing."
Rule 2: Can I please know the woman?
While Em is definitely down for her boyfriend befriending people of any gender, it is easier if she knows the woman.
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"under the Sales pressure.' Nicely done.