“I’d been throwing dates around in my head because his birthday fell on a Monday….”
All I’ve heard about for months in my house is bowling. All my son can talk about for the big 10 is a night out bowling with his friends. So I did some research and found a place nearby and got some prices together to take him and about ten of his friends.
The weekend after his birthday we were going interstate for a wedding so I knew it couldn’t be then.
I didn’t want to throw it the weekend before because I think having a birthday early is bad luck. But I also didn’t want to have it after we came back from interstate because I felt like that was too far away from his actual birthday.
So I decided to throw it on the day. A Monday and a school night. It actually ended up being significantly cheaper because of the date. So I got to save a bit and I thought the sentiment of having it on the actual day was nice. For me it was a win-win.
But apparently not all of the other parents of my son’s friends agreed with my reasoning, which I expected. He gave out the invitations at school about two weeks before and I assumed a few people would pull out because of the whole school night thing.
Except what I wasn’t expecting was what happened a few days later. My son came home from school and I could tell something was bothering him. When I pressed a little further, he began to cry and eventually came out with it.
One of his school friends had told him that “his mum was stupid". My son was incredibly upset that has friend had said that about me. But even though I know kids are kids and I wouldn’t take what they say to heart, I knew this had to have come from somewhere else. I knew it didn’t come about for no reason.