Picking up the Harry Potter book series again?
We’ve all been there.
Whether you’re trying to find a good book to take on a holiday or looking for something to read on your morning commute, it’s easy to resort to re-reading one of your ‘desert-island’ books.
You know the ones – the books you’d read over and over and over again without getting bored.
Not only that, it can be super daunting to go into a bookstore or trawl the internet for a new book to read without knowing if it will suit your personal taste.
But the good news is, we’ve found a website that does all the work for you and we’re obsessed.
The aptly-named WhatShouldIReadNext.com does exactly what it says.
Users type in a book title or an author’s name and the site recommends new books to read, based off reviews, suggestions, and ratings from other readers.
Each book title has a direct link to buy the book as well as a list of tags and topic areas underneath it on the site, making searching for similar stories even easier.
The site is so simple to use and there’s no sign-up process required. Easy peasy.