
Best and Worst: How's your week been?




Good Friday everyone,

Welcome to best and worst, our weekly catch up where we cover what went down this week – the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Let me get the ball rolling.


Online ordering. Yesterday, in a dazed and sleepy state, I left home without a jacket. For those with me in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll be familiar with the fact that it’s currently winter. By the time I had woken up enough to realise, I was sitting at my desk shivering furiously.

Bless three hour deliveries, as I soon had a scarf and beanie to warm my head and neck.

Second Best:

This video I just saw is the best thing to come from the cotton industry, and I love my cotton black jumper.

The Australian Cotton Conference decided to spice up their annual meeting a couple of years ago, and made this spoof of the movie The Hangover. It stars four average cotton pickers who get into a world of trouble. And it’s wonderful.


I woke up this morning with a heavy head and a scratchy throat. It’s prime cold catching season, and as you read earlier, my lack of jacket yesterday may not have been so helpful in preventing sickness.

I am off to drink ginger tea and consume all the chicken soup, so it’s over to you.


How has your week been? Is there anything on your mind?

Top Comments

Hanon 10 years ago

Special friend is staying over for the long weekend. She's having a sleep in so I'm cooking breakfast.

Happy days

Patrick C 10 years ago

great to see she came back. You must have impressed her with your cooking last week. Oh and your intelligence, wit and all round personality. I'm really happy for you both. Its great to read that people are getting the most and best out of life. May this weekend be even better than the last. Cheers

Hanon 10 years ago

I think she's just a was on with immaculate taste!!

Thanks Patrick.

antipop 10 years ago

Great news, Romeo ;) x

Nina (Zepgirl) 10 years ago

Nice to see that you took my advice fom last week! (you wouldn't have thought to make her beakfast in bed without my prompting surely, am I right?!)

Guest 10 years ago

Just a couple of OMMs from me:
Back in January I met a lovely man - we've been chatting by text since then - and finally met on Sunday - when he told me he's been 'seeing someone casually' for a couple of months. Annoyed doesn't even come close. Why not tell me he's seeing someone before I drove out of my way to meet him and why chat and talk for the whole time he's been seeing this person. We talk about a lot of things - movies, education, politics..and have a lot in common but the talk is also attraction and very sexual as well. And I had no idea he was with someone. Just disappointed. Feel like I've invested emotional energy into something that's pointless.
Another OMM - I've been thinking of moving to Newtown (Sydney) as I'm suffocating in my small coastal NSW village. Sydney has far more work opportunities as well. I love Newtown and the feel of the inner city. Does anyone live there and what's it like for you?

guest 10 years ago

sounds like a creep. don't waste another minute of your time on him. you've had a lucky escape.

Elle 10 years ago

I live near Newtown in Summer Hill and it's pretty good! Very close to everything and heaps of cafes nearby. I wouldn't live right in Newtown myself as it's too loud and dirty for me but I recommend Enmore, Petersham, Stanmore, Lewisham as lovely suburbs nearby.

Guest 10 years ago

I think if you are chatting to someone on the net and he or you make no plans to meet within two weeks it isn't a good sign.

Guest 10 years ago

I live three hours away. It's not that simple.