As we get older and our health becomes more of a focus, there are certain areas we all know as women that we need to keep on top of. So we are diligent in booking in our regular pap smears, breast scans, skin checks and even heart health checks. But did you know that there is another health indicator that is just as important to keep track of as we age? It’s our vitamin D levels, as they can have surprising impact on our health.
We all know that having healthy levels of vitamin D is crucial for bone health, especially as we age and bones weaken in density, but there are many more unexpected benefits that vitamin D provides.
1. Healthy teeth.
Our teeth are made up from a similar tissue to our bones, and are therefore subject to the same issues bones face, namely weakness and brittleness, which can lead to all sorts of serious health problems.
Vitamin D plays an essential role in the healthy development of bones through the regulation of calcium and phosphorous.
Studies have linked low vitamin D to increased risk of dental cavities, or tooth decay, and as a preventative measure, vitamin D is thought to guard against tooth decay in infants and children.