
This ice cream flavour just CHANGED EVERYTHING.

Are you sitting down?

Say goodbye to life as you know it: The perfection that is ice cream has somehow evolved into something even more awesome.

Ben and Jerry’s just tweeted this, and the world then collectively lost its shit:

Introducing US Core Flavors! Salted Caramel, That’s My Jam, Peanut Butter Fudge, and Hazed & Confused. Time to spoon!

— Ben & Jerry’s (@benandjerrys) February 24, 2014

Just to clarify; that’s TWO ice cream flavours, in ONE tub, separated only by A CORE OF SOLID FREAKING FUDGE.

And extra points for the flavour name ‘Hazed and Confused’.

This changes everything.





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Top Comments

Ineedacoffee 11 years ago

I just wept at the lack of B&J in Adelaide

anonymous 11 years ago

I tried Ben and Jerry's. It tastes good, but so do a lot of other brands on the market. We have many choices.