My son is about to turn eight and as cliched as it may sound, I have no idea where the time has gone.
As he becomes more independent, and somehow goes about negotiating more screen time like a qualified lawyer, I feel under-prepared. I’m grappling with my desire to give him space to grow, while also trying to keep him safe. In many instances, I feel out of my depth, especially when it comes to technology and the risks that come with being online.
My seven-year-old’s love of exploring online platforms and games, of course, has its benefits. There are apps and fun programs to support his academic development (he uses Adapted Mind, Reading Eggs, and Mathletics), and there are countless important conversations that come from what he watches and reads. But I do need to create a balance, which involves clueing myself up on cyber safety and the resources available to help me navigate this unknown territory. That’s where the free Beacon Cyber Safety app comes in.