
What Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau really talk about behind closed doors.

When United States President Barack Obama entered the political arena, the United States hadn’t seen anything like him since President John F. Kennedy.

He was a young, charismatic, husband and father who wasn’t afraid to hold on to high ideals. He wasn’t afraid to promise change and inspire hope.

Now, almost eight years later, with Obama’s term coming to an end many see Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the new political “it boy”, if you will.

If Barack Obama is Chris Hemsworth, then Justin Trudeau is Liam Hemsworth. Still figuring it out, but getting better every day. In time, he’ll be able to lift that hammer as well. One of the best things about them both is how outspoken they are about the rights of women.

TRUDEAU: Nice. A light day.

OBAMA: Oh and I published an essay for Glamour magazine about feminism.

TRUDEAU: Yeah, I saw that! My google alert for the phrase ‘This is what a feminist looks like’ told me. Great work!

OBAMA: Thanks, that means a lot coming from you. You’re one of my top five male feminists.

TRUDEAU: Wow, that’s a great compliment. Out of curiosity, who are the other four?

OBAMA: Orange is the New Black’s Matt McGorry, Patrick Stewart, The Dalai Lama, and Donald Trump.



Both men laugh hysterically.

You can watch Vox’s interview with Justin Trudeau on feminism below. Post continues after video.

TRUDEAU: But seriously, I really appreciate your saying “It is absolutely men’s responsibility to fight sexism too.” My wife SOPHIE pointed out that I was focusing more on telling my daughter Ella how amazing and smart she is, and less on teaching feminism to my sons Xavier and Hadrien. My mother raised me to be a feminist, and I want to make sure my kids are as well.

OBAMA: That’s great. I said this thinking of my girls when I wrote it in Glamour, but I think it applies to you as well: “It’s important that their dad is a feminist, because now that’s what they expect of all men.” But that Sophie is really something. I really admire her.

TRUDEAU: Me too. I think she’s doing such great work, particularly with how she’s fighting the stigma associated with eating disorders. She’s my partner in everything. I’m a lucky man.

OBAMA: You really are.

TRUDEAU: So are you! Michelle is an inspiration.

OBAMA: I agree. I am constantly in awe of her. She somehow manages to be everything to everyone at the same time. I hate that she had to take on so much because of me. I hate that society told her she had to take on so much and didn’t tell me the same. We can do so much better. We have to do so much better.

TRUDEAU: We have to figure out a way to make everyone realise that everyone is equal and deserves equal opportunities.

OBAMA: I’m doing what I can, but it’s going to be on you to keep the fight going. I’m out of here in January.

TRUDEAU: Ugh, don’t remind me.

OBAMA: It’s not like I’m dying, we can still hang out. Our bromance will live on.

Trudeau sighs.

TRUDEAU: I guess.

OBAMA: Also, who knows, you might like the next President better. Hillary is smart, capable, and she does yoga too.

TRUDEAU: Do you think Trump does yoga?

OBAMA: Yeah, he’s the best at it. No one does yoga better. All of his poses are huge.

Both men laugh.

OBAMA: Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes, but I’ve got to get going. Michelle, the girls and I are about to leave for Martha’s Vineyard. Say hi to Sophie and the kids for me.

TRUDEAU: I will. Say hi to Michelle and the girls for me. And remember the future is female.

OBAMA: Here here.


There’s nothing sexier than a feminist man.

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