
Everyone is bag-maxxing right now.

The bags. They now have more personality than most humans. And we need to discuss. Because in case you missed it, bag accessories are in again — and it's hit a whole new level.

With high-fashion handbag brands from Birkin, Coach and Miu Miu now pre-accessorising bags with luxury keychains, pins, furry pompoms, charms and tassels, the challenge has now shifted from making your bag look cute to curating your bag with a new level of individuality and persona. Especially when they now already come pre-charmed.

Watch: An expert describes why it's so hard to get a Hermes Birkin Bag. Post continues below.

In 2024, 'bag-maxxing' is well and truly here, and if your bag is blank, it's simply not complete.

Just look up 'bag charms' on TikTok. It's like a nostalgic taste of children's schoolbags on steroids — anything goes. There are also pages like @shopbagcrap on Instagram that offer vintage bag charm packs (Tamagotchis! Old keyrings! Random STUFF!).

Image: Instagram/@shopbagcrap.


Like, literally… anything.

Image: Instagram/@shopbagcrap.


And the weirder it is, the more people love it.

For example, please watch as this content creator adorns her designer bag with a small mug, a piece of braided hair and a literal bulldog clip holding a tuft of straw.



Serious question: Are we moving backwards as a society?

It's giving Stanley cup accessories, with their tiny backpacks and accessory clips for your keys, snacks, lip balms and hand sanitiser.

In fact, just on that — Coach actually went as far as suggesting that your Coach bag requires its own miniature backpack (because of course it does!) on the recent Fall 2024 runway…

Image: Getty.


As you can probably guess, if the trend is just hitting the mainstream market, it's absolutely booming on the celebrity front.

Here's singer Lily Allen showing off her green Birken bag, featuring some cute keyrings, ribbons and a… box of Nurofen.

Image: Instagram: @lilyallen.


In fact, Allen is pretty big on the 'bag-maxxing' trend, regularly showcasing the level of her accessory game. (High).

Image: Instagram: @lilyallen.


And here:

Image: Instagram: @lilyallen.

And again:

Image: Instagram: @lilyallen.


And how could we forget model Gigi Hadid and her maxed-out Miu Miu bag at the recent Deadpool premiere?

Image: Getty.


There's also Coach sales associate Brandon Nguyen who shows his over 300k followers how to style their bags with chains, leather accessories and… carabiners?

One comment read: "What's the use for the giant carabiner?"

To which Nguyen responded, "I think originally it was for camping or setting up a hammock."

Image: TikTok/@branbran1997.


As so perfectly depicted by writer Emily Kirkpatrick in her I Heart Mess substack,"Bagmaxxing is an attempt to monetize that French fashion icon's laissez-faire attitude towards luxury items and penchant for personalising her possessions."

She added, "You can now buy that same experience — the patina of a life fully lived — fresh from the factory."

Consumerism is exhausting.

Are you a fan of bag maxxing? Why/why not? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Feature image: Instagram/@lilyallen, @shopbagcrap.

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