reality tv

This year's Bachelor In Paradise guys are a little bit... same-y.

If the guys from this year’s Bachelor In Paradise were in a line-up, we’re not entirely convinced we’d be able to pick any of them out. If we’re being honest here… they are literally all the same person.

Not only do they all pretty much have dark, carefully tousled hair, they’ve all gone for that slightly unshaven, scruffy look and shirts that don’t quite cover their bronzed man bodies.

Also, did they all go on a group shopping excursion to General Pants Co. before flying out to Fiji? We swear they’re working with one shared wardrobe here – graphic print boardshorts and loose singlet tops with deep V-necks.

Oh, and when they're not wearing boardshorts and said tank tops, they're dressed in white shirts and khaki pants, because that's what the cool kids are wearing now.

Okay, we get it's Fiji, and it's tropical and stuff, but is there some sort of an unofficial uniform all men must wear when in Fiji?

And we weren't the only ones to notice the similarities. Fans were quick to point it out on Twitter, too:

It's like some weird science experiment. Is this what cloning is? Holy sh*t, is this the future?

It's early days, but we're pretty sure they all have matching personalities, too.

Can someone please tie different coloured ribbons around their wrists so we can tell them all apart, because we're having a really hard time with it right now.

Why we need fresh blood on The Bachelor.

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Top Comments

SS 6 years ago

Not to mention a cast full of white people. Come on, it’s 2018. Our cities are so multicultural. Can we please start seeing some Australians that have different ethnic backgrounds on TV?

TwinMamaManly 6 years ago

I agree! Very dull line-up. And again with the reality shows, waaaaay too many injectables.

fightofyourlife 6 years ago

Not sure what you were expecting, because apart from one or maybe two token weirdos each season, the Bachelorette contestants are always really samey. It's the main reason that I never really got into the Bachelorette, even though I used to quite enjoy the Bachelor.