
Just a comprehensive list of Osher's best tweets from this season of Bachelor in Paradise.

For all your Bachelor in Paradise Australia gossip in one convenient place, check out our Bachelor in Paradise 2018 hub.

Fans of Bachelor in Paradise are acutely aware of host Osher Gunsberg’s antics.

He’s spent the last few months on a Fijian island, alone, setting up for what is essentially The Hunger Games for Instagram followers. All he wants to do is wear Hawaiian shirts and yell ‘BULA’ at everyone who comes within a 10 metre radius of him, but also for them to find love.

Listen to Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald dissect the latest episode of Bachelor in Paradise on Bach Chat. Post continues after audio.

But the man who spends a frankly ridiculous amount of time counting roses and emerging out of bushes to deliver announcements to a group of fully grown adults has developed a hobby this season: live tweeting Bachelor in Paradise. And his observations are so true.

Here are Osher’s 20 best tweets from the season.

We'll miss your commentary SO much sweetie.

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