Fact: No matter how tough you are doing it as a new parent, there’s never an excuse to do this.
How would you react if you heard that parents were drugging their babies with sleeping pills?
Illegally buying unprescribed pills from overseas, carefully crushing them up in the dead of the night and mixing them with formula to get their babies to sleep.
Heartbroken, desperate mums bleary eyed and weak with lack of sleep rocking their babies as they feed them a carefully warmed bottle laced with melatonin pills.
Would you feel sorry for these struggling mums and dad, obviously at the end of their tether?
Would you be anxiously wanting to reach out and let them know that you understand too, that sometimes we just need to do what it takes to get through?
Or would you be horrified, disgusted at the sheer selfishness of these actions?
Would you be demanding we talk about it, judge it and condemn this selfish behaviour?
Well, I am firmly in the last camp.
News Limited has reported on several baby sleep specialists who say they have been approached by parents who use this technique.
The Australian Medical Association Queensland president Shaun Rudd told News Limited that he was horrified to hear such reports.
The parents are buying melatonin online from the US - a sleep regulator that helps shift workers, and jet lag.
The side effects of the tablets are startling - headaches, prolonged grogginess, hormone fluctuations, vivid dreams and nightmares.