
New research shows 1 in 3 Aussie mums face workplace discrimination.

Disturbing new research has found that one in three Aussie mums have experienced discrimination at work due to falling pregnant or having children.

The ReachTEL poll, which was conducted on behalf of parent advocacy group The Parenthood and Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, found that working mothers were still struggling to crack “the baby ceiling.”

More than 1000 working mothers were surveyed, and the results revealed the worrying realities of life as a working mother in Australia today.

It found that 34.4 per cent had been discriminated against as a direct result of falling pregnant or having children, while 45 per cent know of a working mum who had been discriminated against.

Even more concerning was the fact that 53 per cent of working mums aged between 18 and 34 believed they had been denied promotions because they had children.

The Parenthood's executive director Jo Briskey said change was needed.

"These results are a stark reminder of what mums have to put up with in the workplace that dads just simply don't," she said.

"They show us how far we have to go before we achieve true equality for both working mums and working

“We are not going to achieve gender equality in the workplace by slashing paid parental leave or failing to address the ever increasing cost of childcare – we need to see greater family friendly workplaces across all sectors and industries.”

Committee Chair in the Women’s Network at Maurice Blackburn, Lawyer Anika Wells says it is important for women to remember that both pregnancy and family or carer responsibilities are “protected” attributes under Australian law, which makes it unlawful for anyone to discriminate against you on this basis.

“Discrimination comes in many forms – it can range from negative attitudes and comments, to the loss of opportunities and career advancement right through to outright redundancy or dismissal. We know it can be insidious and sometimes it can be hard to prove – but the laws are meant to be there to protect you,” said Ms Wells.

Have you been discriminated against at work for having kids?

WATCH The Motherish staff share what their first thought was when they first saw their baby.