When I think back to how I spent my school holidays as a child, I vividly remember the time we found a cat.
A literal cat.
It was hiding under our house and we fed it some off-meat from the fridge and it never left. We named it Cat.
In hindsight, part of the reason we found Cat was because we were bored as f*ck. Were we away? Hell no. We were located firmly in the backyard of a house that also contained our Nan, who used the holidays to get us to do 'jobs' for her for coins. With those coins we would buy chips and maybe a Gaytime, if we were truly wealthy.
It was only when I got to university that I realised other people's school holidays were a little... different. There were skiing holidays. Overseas trips. Holiday houses. Camps. Boats.
Like... sir. WHAT BOAT?
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