
Are You Ready for Kim Kardashian, Serious Actress?

The trailer for Tyler Perry's new movie Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (due out next year has debuted, and it introduces us to Kim Kardashian as a dramatic actress.

Though this is her biggest film role to date, the 32-year-old has had plenty of experience acting in TV shows like Drop Dead Diva, Beyond the Break and, of course, Keeping Up with the Kardashians (we know it's a reality show). Maya, her character in Temptation, is a very Kim Kardashian creation — down to her skin-tight pink dress and knowledge of the social media world.

The transition from reality star to movie star has never been pretty, but maybe Kardashian is just trying to get her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Paris Hilton tried to leverage her celebrity from socialite to reality star to Hollywood actress, but that endeavour ended with The Hottie & The Nottie. While we think Kardashian could pull off being an actress a bit more successfully than Hilton did, hopefully this doesn't start her on the path to one day wanting to become a leading lady.

As for the Temptation trailer? It actually does look pretty good, if you are also into sexy melodramatic romantic movies.
