
Driveway dawn services and candlelit vigils: How Australians commemorated ANZAC Day 2020.


With social distancing measures in place to lessen the spread of coronavirus, annual ANZAC Day traditions were cancelled for 2020.

Rather than attend marches and memorial services, Australians commemorated the solemn day at home.

WATCH: The #LightUpTheDawn initiative this ANZAC Day. Post continues below.

After a callout from the Returned Services League for people to ‘Light up the dawn’, people all over the country stood on their front lawns, driveways, balconies or in their living rooms at 6 a.m. to reflect and honour those who’ve served.

Others went down to their local beaches or stood in front of an RSL club, played The Last Post or tuned into broadcasts of the national service.

Here are 20 photos of how Australians across the country marked what is a very different ANZAC Day.

Lest we forget.

Feature image: Getty.

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