
Andy Lee had to do a radio interview from hospital and he just got very honest about why.

Comedian Andy Lee just called into a radio show from a hospital bed.

You see, Hamish and Andy are currently doing a promotional tour for the second season of their TV show, True Story.

On Tuesday afternoon, they were due to appear on the Triple M drivetime show, Kennedy Molloy, together.

Except Andy didn’t turn up.

Instead, he called the show from a hospital bed and told them about the, erm, massive obstacle that stopped him from turning up in person.

“I hope people haven’t got their dinner, it’s a haemorrhoid. It is the biggest haemorrhoid you have ever seen in your life,” he said.

Mick Molloy then suggested he get “one of those little rings, those little pillow rings that you sit on, usually they are for people 80 and above”.

“Or if you’ve had a baby,” his co-host Jane Kennedy added.

“What do you think I am sitting on now Mick?” Lee replied. “That is exactly what they have given me.”

The comedian said he was “struggling to walk” because of a haemorrhoid so big “not even the Mountain from Game of Thrones could push this thing back in”.

Andy had surgery scheduled overnight and would spend the night in hospital.

There’s, erm, a kind of romantic angle to said massive haemorrhoid though – Andy said he only felt comfortable sharing his story because of his girlfriend Rebecca Harding.

“If I didn’t have a girlfriend there would be no way I was admitting to the haemorrhoid,” he said.

Yep, romance ain’t dead after all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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