
In what universe is it OK for adults to make this video with an 11 year-old-girl?

This music video is deserving of every bit of outrage your tired self can muster…

This is 11-year-old Alison Gold. And in her latest music video, Alison is despicably exploited by grown adults to make a big media splash and a whole lot of cash for her employers.

Shush Up is the second single to be released by the young singer. The first, Chinese Food, was questionably racist but at least in that Alison was portrayed as what she is: a child.

Shush Up

Her movements are provocative and display a decidedly grown-up understanding of sexuality. She points her finger provocatively at the camera, coaxing the viewer to come with her, all the while batting some very serious fake lashes.

Watching Alison's video doesn't feel remotely sexy. It feels disgusting, depraved and downright wrong. This is not so much a music clip as soft-core child pornography dressed up to look like an MTV video.

This little girl is being selfishly used by the adults around her grab the attention of the media and a whole lot of profit in the process. Alison is far too young to understand the full consequences of the so-called 'art' she is being used to create.

The video is downright offensive. It deserves to be publicly condemned and removed from circulation.

Do you agree that this video should be banned?


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