This 90s star has some very definite opinions about parenting. And she’s written a book to share them.
Alicia Silverstone, the 37-year-old actress, has written a parenting book.
Better known these days for her vegan and clean-living parenting philosophies than for Clueless, Alicia Silverstone’s book is called “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning“.
being pregnant isn't a total dragWhen it comes to experience, she isn't just making things up. True to her half-glass full attitude, she explains that her 27-hour labour for her only son Bear in 2011 was sexy... "The first 14 hours were almost sexy. The [natural hormone] oxytocin was doing all this magic and it felt amazing."
In her book The Kind Mama, she outlines a comprehensive and practical guide for wannabe mums and mums on how to take charge of their fertility, pregnancy, and first 6 months with baby. Not only does she live by her words, she has also spoken to numerous health professionals.
Not everyone is a fan, though. Silverstone is vegan and preaches a very vegan, organic, natural way of life. So much so that she copped a lot of flak for posting a video of her pre-chewing her 11 month's old food before feeding him.
So here is what she has to say:
The post-birth lie-in.
Silverstone recommends a lying-in period after birth. Basically this means lying in bed for 10 days post birth. She also is a big fan of eating your placenta. After the birth of Bear, she had daily pills made from her placenta - referring to them as "happy pills". According to Silverstone, she was very sad when the pills ended.
Early toilet training. Very early.
Silverstone attests to toilet training her son Bear by the time he was 6 months old. The method is called "elimination communication" and the idea is your child is born ready to go to the toilet and you just need to listen to the clues.