
A 23-year-old woman who terminated her pregnancy has been charged with murder.

A woman ended her pregnancy. Now she is in jail.

On Saturday night, a desperate young woman reportedly took abortion pills she bought online to terminate her secret pregnancy.

She delivered the five-month-old fetus in a neighbour’s car on the way to a hospital. The tiny boy died within 30 minutes.

Now, 23-year-old Kenlissia Jones has been charged with murder.

Ms Jones allegedly told a hospital social services worker she took four pills purchased over the internet from Canada “to induce labor” because she and her boyfriend had broken up.

Local authorities took unprecedented action in arresting the young mother and charging her with malice murder and possession of a dangerous drug (‘abortion pill’ Cytotec).

It is believed to be the first time a woman in the US state Georgia has been charged with murder for ending her pregnancy.

Related: “I know my abortion was the right choice.”

And whether the unusual charges will stick remains to be seen.

According to state laws, abortions after the first trimester (around three months) must be carried out in a specially licenced facility.

But state law also explicitly prohibits prosecuting women for feticide (causing the death of a fetus) involving their own pregnancies, America’s ABC News reports.

Ms Jones’ lawyer and National Advocates for Pregnant Women executive director Lynn Paltrow said the laws seemed to be at odds.

“We don’t believe there is any law in Georgia that allows for the arrest of a woman for the outcome of her pregnancy,” Ms Paltrow said.

District Attorney Greg Edwards said he was reviewing the case, which he believed would likely go before a grand jury because Georgia and federal laws would need to be explored, ABC News reports.

For now, Ms Jones remains in custody. Her two-year-old son is being cared for by her brother, Rico Riggins.

Mr Riggins said the family had no idea his sister was pregnant.

“We lost what would have been a nephew for me. And everything. And then my sister,” Mr Riggins said.

“We’re coping the best we can.”

Watch this news clip for more information:, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports


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Top Comments

Guest 9 years ago

That poor little baby. No one can tell me that this dear little boy didn't suffer while he died.
How is it different to mothers who leave their babies in dumpsters after birth......just because he wasn't full term?

Guest 9 years ago

Totally agree. I am pro a degree. I find it extremely odd that much of society loves the stories of premmie babies 'making it against the odds' 'little battler' 'our miracle baby' - I mean who doesn't love those stories, but then with the whole abortion debate people get on the whole 'my body my choice' bandwagon. If these babies were wanted, and born prematurely, they are treasured premmie babies, if a mother wishes to abort a baby ( especially a late abortion) it is somehow seen differently, and anyone defending the baby is seen as backward or anti women's rights. It's bullshit. Where is the voice for these poor little babies, who are effectively, murdrered? Look all situations are different, I do think abortion has a place, but I think sometimes its trivialised and it most definately should not be. Especially beyond the first trimester.

guest! 9 years ago

I'm of two minds on this. Firstly, the article mentions that she told the nurses at the hospital that she had taken the pills. There should be the freedom for people to tell their health care professionals the truth without the fear of being arrested (this is so that health care professionals can treat them best). BUT on the other hand - if someone else had been responsible for the death of her baby, they would've been arrested, why should it be any difference for her?